Monday, February 10, 2025

Monday Coffee Talk

 Where in the world do the days go?  My last post was one week ago, it seems like yesterday.  I guess I've been busier than I realized.

I finished the book, The Frozen River.  It was okay, the plot kept me interested enough to turn the next page.  The one thing I didn't like was the vulgar adjectives she used throughout the entire book.  I think she could have found better words to describe the events taking place in her story.  I won't be reading this author again.

I also finished two diamond paintings; I am so into this new activity.  I sit for hours placing one bead after another.  I love the colors of the beads and seeing the picture come alive.

I wish the picture would pick up the sparkle of the beads!

We've been outside every day, as the weather has been great.  We are having record breaking temps here on the coast, up to 86* one day, and in the 80's every day.

Around Town:

The city put out a new picture of Main Street . . .

If you look closely at the horizon, you'll see the big cranes of the Port of Houston.  They are an eyesore as far as I'm concerned.  The port has changed our little town, some for good and some, not so good.

Family News:

Merica and her stepdad, Louis at the Valentine Daddy/Daughter Dance.

Our Sweet Ava Love turned 16!!

Ava and her MoM, Maegan!

More February Trivia:

Why is February sometimes considered the perfect month?

Occasionally, February has four full seven-day weeks.

How often does this happen? 

Once every six years and twice every eleven years

What is the nameof February's full moon?

The Snow Moon

True or False: February can go without a full moon.


What do you call people who are born on February 29th?

Leapers or leaplings

February has 28 to 29 days depending on the year, but the month used to be much shorter. How many days did it originally have?

23 days

When February has four full seven-day weeks, what is it called?

A rectangle month

February comes from the Latin word februa. What does this mean?

To cleanse

Today's Quote From David Jeremiah:

The Bible says that love is a responsibility. We are commanded to love, God doesn't ask us if we feel like it, He tells us in His Word that it is our responsibility to love.

Today's Scripture:

2 Thessalonians 3:5

Now may the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the patience of Christ.

Blessings to All

Until Next Time


  1. Lovely photos! I love the teapot and the kids are cute too!

  2. Mary, thanks for sharing the pics of you town and grandbabies! I enjoyed reading the trivia. Who knew February was sometimes called the perfect month? I certainly wouldn't call it that because it is still very much still winter around here! LoL. Must only be perfect in Texas from the temps y'all are enjoying ! Geez, I miss Texas!

    Grace & Peace,

  3. Lovely post! I Love the teapot and matching mug at the top! I know, you drink coffee and that is probably a coffee mug, but I'd use it for tea! LOL. Your diamond "paintings" are beautiful. That takes a LOT of patience to do! Not sure I could manage it . "Little 'Merica" is getting so big and still so adorable! I bet that Daddy /Daughter dance was a lot of fun! And Ava is absolutely beautiful, but I see her mother is too, so no wonder! My, they do grow up so fast! That's what I don't like, but I guess it's inevitable. You are having warmer temps than we are. We have just barely hit 80 so far, but the nights and mornings have been pretty cool still. Hence, why we have so much fog every morning! We just need some good spring rains now to get things greened back up. Your town main street looks really nice. I love small towns like that!! I never knew so much about February before. Thank you for the information! It's a busy month for such a small one! Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. Mr D has been out working in the yard and flower beds. This weather has made us anxious to see new growth, pretty flowers and more time on the porch. Hope your week is Happy and Blessed.

  4. The the grands are adorable Miss Mary. Love your diamond beads painting. Never heard of such. What a great way to stay creative. Happy Monday. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. Hi Cindy! Hugs and blessings make to you my friend.♥

  5. Fun information about February. It's my birthday month and that makes the info. even more special.
    Merica sure looks happy and congrats to Ava too. Sweet Sixteen is so special. I would love some of your warmer weather. We're supposed to have snow Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. We haven't had any for almost a year which is unheard of, but I still don't like it. How I would love to winter in the south someday.
    Take care my friend.

    1. My birthday is this month too, as was my Daddy, Brother, Niece, Father in law and great granddaughter! WoW.....Yep February is special to us. Blessing back to you, enjoy the snow!!

    2. My birthday is this month too, as was my Daddy, Brother, Niece, Father in law and great granddaughter! WoW.....Yep February is special to us. Blessing back to you, enjoy the snow!!

  6. What beautiful grand-girls God blessed you with!
    I can't think of any examples right now, but it's the little things (like this author) that turn me off; I can't just forget about it.
    Before I read under the photograph, I was going to guess the Port of Houston. I miss Texas.

    1. I love our little town, but the port has brought us nothing but warehouses everywhere and big trucks too. BooHiss. Texas is still a great state, jmho☺

  7. The diamond art is really pretty, something that I've never tried.
    Ava looks just like her mom. :)

    1. I just discovered the diamond art's fun. I agree about Ava looking like her mom, if her hair was lighter and if she parted it on the side they would really look alike!! Her dark hair is from her Daddy.

  8. I'm a little envious of your warm temperatures although 86* is a bit too warm for my liking. Diamond art is being mentioned more and more often. I haven't seen any in "real life" yet.
    Merica is growing up and she sure looks like a princess. Ava is a lovely young woman. How quickly they grow up.
    Have a lovely week and a lovely birthday too 💖💖💖💖💖💖

  9. Hi Mary, I enjoyed reading your post today! I like your tea set! I don't think I would have the patience for the diamond art. or the eyes. Time goes by way to quickly! You live near Galveston? Have you taken a cruise from there? Have a great week!

    1. We are very close to Galveston. We've never been on a cruise, but our daughters go often.


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