Wednesday, June 22, 2016

What??? Monday's coffee served on Wednesday!!!

Good to be back and feeling inspired after my unplanned week off!  Do you ever get the "I don't want to do anything" blues ~ or maybe blahs is a better word.  I've not been in a blue mood, just a blah mood.  I think the heat and humidity is taking it's toll on this old lady.  My friend says we're not old, we are elderly.
Now I ask you, what's the difference?
I guess elderly has a better sound to

I've been trying to catch up with everyone, amazing how for behind you become after a few days. 

We had such a great discussion on Chapter 8 of our Circle Maker study at GLOW last week.  We're  moving slow lately, but it's okay, we do not have a deadline.  It's great sistership with great sisters-in-Christ.  Our little group is truly blessed.

By the most conservative estimates, there are more than three thousand promises in Scripture.  By virtue of what Jesus Christ accomplished on the cross, every one of them belongs to you.  Every one of them has your name on it.  The question is: How many of them have you circled?


Our grandson Cody is gone for the summer.  He's traveling with The Blue Stars once again.  The Blue Stars are a very elite drum and bugle corps that performs throughout the states during the summer.  I don't like him being so far away from home and yet I'm so proud of him.  It takes lot of work, talent and dedication in be a member of this group.  As you can see, he's a very enthusiastic drummer!

Isn't this pretty.  What a wonderful place to sit with your cup of coffee or tea and meditate on the day.  No, it's not my porch, but a girl can dream!

Doesn't it just break your heart to listen to the news these days?
So much evil around us....there's only one place to get away from it,
God's Holy Word,
and only one place to find victory, in the arms of our
King, Jesus Christ.

Just as David learned to trust in the Lord, so should God's people today also not let their hearts be troubled (John 14:1).  When we trust God and seek His will, we will experience that victory, His Victory for ever.

The Way, the Truth, and the Life

John 14:1
Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me

 1 Corinthians 15:57
But thanks be to God, who gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

This is a Mother's Day gift from my daughter, Tammy.  A friend of hers makes all kinds of things from old dishes.  It's really a bird feeder but I opted to put some succulents in it and keep it close to the porch.  Another treasure to love and enjoy!  Thank you Tammy.


  1. First of all, I was sooooo HAPPY when I popped over and saw you'd posted. I was actually gonna leave a comment if you hadn't saying "IT'S TIME, MS. MARY....BREAK IS OVER"!!! ;-) Oh, my that an OWLIE bird feeder? I MUST have one!! LOL I love that picture of the rocker on the porch. My Mom gave us a piece of property about a year ago and I would LOVE to have a little cabin on the back part of it with a porch like that and rockers....yes, a girl can dream! ;-) HOPE you have an awesome day, my Friend. Love you bunches!

  2. I am so happy to see you back...hey, there is a big Drum Bugle event coming up here in Hornell, NY. I wonder, if the Blue Stars are one of the hundreds of groups that are coming in. We live right behind the football filed and last year, we heard it loud and clear...beautiful!!! They also practice up and down our street, I have to say these young men and women have talent. smiles

  3. Amen... I can't watch the news anymore. It is too much. I have no idea what happened today except my coconut flour brownies turned out great, I saw two old friends, and the sun was shining. Ahh... It's a relief.

  4. Love your Mother's Day gift! It looks great with plants in it. I am also catching up on blogs after being on vacation for a few days. Whew! Love your patriotic background!


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