Tuesday, July 5, 2016

With Each Sunrise....

....God Gives You a New Beginning

One of God's greatest gifts is the chance to be born again each day.  Beginning with every sunrise, you can let go of the past and any regrets, mistakes, or sorrows it may have held. 

You can look ahead and see where you'd like to go, secure in the knowledge that God enables you to leave any emotional baggage where it belongs ~ in the past.

You can choose to leave yesterday behind and start over again today ~ to be whoever and whatever you dream of being. 

Know that with God's help and His constant, loving attention, you can achieve anything....beginning today!

Edmund O'Neill

Today's Inspiration:
God Is Always by Your Side

Hope everyone had a great 4th!  We enjoyed the fireworks from our backporch. Our great granddaughters, Ava and Emma, were all ready for the day!

Until Next Time,
Enjoy the Sunrise!


  1. Oh, what sweet girls. So glad God's mercies are new every morning!

  2. The girls are adorable!! We are so blessed with God's promises!

  3. Aren't they just so cute!! Another beautiful post, Mary, thank you. Have a joyful rest of the week, friend.

  4. PS I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE YOUR NEW DECOR. SMILES (sorry for squealing, smiles)

  5. Awe such cute pics of the girls Miss Mary. And AMEN and AMEN on your post! Hugs and blessings, Cindy


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