Saturday, September 9, 2017

Pink Saturday

Today I'm linking with Bev at How Sweet the Sound for....

We are having beautiful weather, just a touch of fall is in the air.  It's a little early for us but I'll sure take it....sitting on the porch is wonderful!!

I still have flowers blooming although they are just about done for the year.

I've been thinking about sitting our some fall flowers, but so far 'thinking' is as far as I've gone.

I love this shot....the sun was just right!!

Enjoying a cool Saturday morning on the porch with my coffee and dogbabies!

My newest great grandbaby, Merica Jo, she's only 5 days old!  I was so blessed to babysit her yesterday.  It was only long enough for her Momma to go the pharmacy to pick up a prescription ~ I enjoyed every minute.

Until Next Time


  1. Oh, that beautiful grand baby takes the prize. So sweet. Your flowers are pretty. I'm in the same dilemma about what to do. What kind of dogs do you have?

  2. Today I'm so very thankful for rain!! That is not something a West Coast person says often but this year....
    What a sweet baby girl your GGdaughter is. One day I'll be fortunate enough to be a GGGran too.

  3. So sweet!

    Congratulations on your new little blessing.

  4. What a doll baby Merica is, and so glad you got to spend some special time with her. I want to plant some fall flowers too....mums, and I want some ornament cabbage this year....then pansies for the wintertime. I love to see something-anything blooming! Hope your weekend continues to be nice.

  5. Such a cute grand baby. Surely you have a lot of fun together.

  6. That's one gorgeous great-grandbaby!!!!I'm thinking fall bulbs, maybe I can narrow it down this week.

  7. Congratulations your newest addition! I have 4 grandkids, the youngest is 3. Love your new decor too!

  8. What joy to spend those moments with your precious great-grandbaby! Sitting out on the porch enjoying the sunshine and fall weather is truly glorious, isn't it! I know you will find some fall flowers soon, when the time is right. Love the picture you took of the gorgeous summer flowers you still have blooming :) Hugs to you today!


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