Monday, April 29, 2019

Monday Morning Coffee Talk

Hello Monday . . . Again!

It's so nice to be in this "coffee on the porch" season, we've been having some beautiful days.  Having coffee in my IHOP mug this morning, it's seems to be smaller than most which I like.  We were having breakfast at IHOP one morning and we ask if we could purchase two of their mugs, and as you can see, their answer was yes!!

Woe is Me
I missed going to GLOW on Saturday, I have been having insomnia and some nights it's 4am before sleep comes.  That's what happened Friday night and I just didn't feel like doing a thing on Saturday.  I miss not going, it's just a uplifting time for me.

Around Town
One good thing happened on Saturday!!  It was Sylvan Beach Day and there is always a parade on this special day.  We live close enough to the parade route that I can watch it from my back door, and that's exactly what I did.....I love a parade.

This picture is from the City of La Porte, it's the Chatos, the high school drill team.  I was once a Chato (long ago and far away), they always hold a special place in my heart.

Chato Trivia
Our high school mascot is a Bulldog....Bulldog in Spanish is Chato.

On This Day in History:
During the Hundred Years’ War, in the year 1429, the 17-year-old French peasant Joan of Arc leads a French force in relieving the city of Orleans, besieged by the English since October.


In 1913 the first all purpose zipper is patented.

God's Promise
The Bible is filled with people who face down struggles and fear.  Joseph was sold into slavery in a foreign country.  The Israelites watched as Egypt was all but razed around them.   Jonah was swallowed by a whale.  Many of the greatest and best known biblical tales show clearly how afraid people can be.  Those same fearful people, however, could do extraordinary things because God was with them, they became calmer and feared not evil.  

Psalm 23:4, Yes, though I walk through the shadow of death, I will fear not evil.  For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff comfort me.


Until Next Time
Keep Standing On the Promises of God!


  1. Enjoyed your coffee on the porch! I would love to have coffee on the porch with you. Such a pretty day in my neck of the woods to be on the porch too. Oh yes, praise His Holy Name for His wonderful promises. And...He never breaks a promise. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  2. I hope that insomnia goes away Mary. I know how tiring it can be to lay restless in bed.

  3. Oh dear! Insomnia is no fun at all. I sure hope it's a not-very-often occurrence for you.
    How great that you could watch the parade from the comfort of your own home.
    Have a great week.

  4. "17-year-old French peasant Joan of Arc"

    Isn't it amazing what she did?

  5. Hi from Kansas. Insomnia is a pain. I'm doing so much better after trying over the counter sleep aides that cost just pennies a pill. I take thyroid meds and perhaps this is helping with my inability to sleep some nights. Blessings to you. Please share what GLOW is.

  6. I had an insomnia night last night. Nothing would allow my eyes to close. Off to work I went though. You opened the door for this one, Miss Mary. I think we need to see a picture of you when you were a Chato!! Come on now!!

    1. lol Terri!! If I can find one maybe I'll share. I can assure we didn't look like the Chatos now, back in my day we dressed to match the band.


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