Saturday, November 9, 2019

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Saturday

I've been taking a new med this week and it's not settling well with me.  Upset stomach and a little dizziness too, guess it's back to the doctor on Monday.  {{sigh}}

At my visit with him this past week he told me that because flu season was here I need to wear a surgical mask when out in public places.  I just hate that so I'm just going to stay home during the flu season.  It's not the mask that bothers me, it's the discomfort of wearing one.  They make me feel like I'm suffocating.  If something comes along and I have to get out and about I will certainly wear one.

In the mean time, I find plenty of things to fill my days.

I found this puzzle that I love because I am a sewer, or least I used to be, don't sew much anymore.

If I see something cute to sew I will sit down to the machine and see what I can do.

This little angel was cute to sew.  I made her for my Momma, when she passed Little Angel came home to live with me.

Puzzle complete!  
Sorry about the glare, I was using my cell phone and that's the best I could get!

Until Next Time

Hope you have a 
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Saturday!


  1. Love the colors in that puzzle! Very pretty.

  2. Oh ~ a puzzle!! I'll try to wait until January to work one, but it is tempting to start one now since the nights are long. Yours is pretty! And the little angel ~ well, she's adorable! Hope you can feel better and avoid catching a bug. I wear a mask in the chicken houses and it stifles me but the dust lets me know I need it.

  3. I love puzzles too. I enjoyed your post, Mary. Keeping you in prayer.

  4. I am a puzzle lover too. Haven't done one in a long while. I too can't stand wearing a mask. Your little angel is so adorable Mary. Feel better soon my friend. Many blessings.

  5. So sorry about your meds making you feel unwell. I hope your visit to the doctor gets that resolved. I think staying home during flu season is a great idea. I love staying home, and sometimes, that is the silver lining in being sick---it keeps me home.

    What a cute puzzle, as is the little angel.


  6. I hope your doctor will be able to adjust your meds so they agree with you.
    I love that puzzle. I have a 500 piece one on the table right now and my grandson is much better than I am at finding pieces. I should post the finished picture once we're all done.

  7. I do hope you will begin to feel better soon! Meanwhile, love that puzzle! And the angel you made for your sweet Momma is so pretty. I am glad that you were able to bring her back home to live with you and to remind you of your sweet momma. I was thinking about puzzles yesterday...and thinking I need to get a new one this year for Christmas so I have something to work on after the holidays on those long winter nights! That, and I need to start reading again. Anyway, I do hope you feel better, and also I hope you will stay healthy and away from the flu germs.

  8. Nice puzzle and a lovely angel. Perhaps staying home will call you back to that sewing machine! Keep us posted!! Love & hugs, dear friend!

  9. I love puzzles Mary! Your angel is so sweet. I bet y our mother loved it.
    I hope they find a better medicine for you that won't make you feel bad.
    Love your signature :) Have a bright and sunny Sunday.

  10. Mary, I'm so sorry about the medicine making you feel so bad. I agree with you about those surgical masks being so uncomfortable. They make my glasses fog up! God bless you. I really like your puzzle. How nice that you like to sew; the angel you made your mama is really sweet. I know you treasure her. I once did cross stitching but not any longer. Mostly I just spend time on the computer. I went to the dr. this a.m. and finally after waiting TWO hours, I told them I just could not wait any longer. That is just unacceptable! What a waste of time/gas for the car!


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