Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Tuesday 4


1. Where have you traveled and what is the furthest you've been from home?
We lived in Canada for a short while, that's the furthest I've been.  It was beautiful up there.

2. Is there a location other than where you are, that you think would be a nice place to live?
I would like to live further north, but this is home and I'll stay here.

3. Do you have a photo or story from a favorite place to visit?
We flew to Nashville for vacation one year, we had so much fun.  Lots to see and we tried to see it all.  We were with dear friends and made great memories.

4. What dream destination do you have tucked away in your heart? Do you think you'll be able to visit them one day or are plans in the making?
My dream destination has always been Israel.  My brother and I talked a little about going but he got sick and passed away before we could make it happen.

Linking with Annie for Tuesday 4.

Until Next Time


  1. Happy 2020 Miss Mary. Nashville is beautiful to me. Hope that you and Mr. D are starting your New Year out good. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  2. I hope you get to Israel sometime. Thanks for joining in. I would also go farther north. If I had any sense I'd be in Utah or Arizona again for the dry weather to help my bones. But I don't have any sense at all.

  3. I've been to Nashville a couple times but for a specific purpose and didn't really get to see a lot of the city.

  4. Nashville is just up the road from me and we go there occassionally. Isnt it always the truth that we do not travel to places that are near us? Israel would be a dream trip Mary!

  5. Oh, goodness! With every post I read some other place that I would love see pops up...but, Israel! YES!!! What a wonderful experience it would be to see the Sea of Galilee, walk the streets of Jerusalem, visit Bethlehem, and all the other places that Jesus lived and trod. Blessings for a great rest of the week!

  6. Great answers. Enjoy your Tuesday.

  7. Everyone I know who has been to Isreal said it was the msot awesome place they could ever want to go.. I partucuklarly dont want to go that much even though I would love to see the places where Jesus walked, But we will be in the New Jerusalem one day soon I believe so that will be even better!

  8. I have thought about a trip to Nashville, it is not too far from where I live. Loved your answers! Have a nice week!


  9. I would love to visit Nashville one of these days! Everyone I know who goes has a great time. This was a fun Tuesday 4!

  10. This was very interesting! I have never been to Nashville or Israel. Would love to visit Israel, but not with all the war going on over in that land. Yes, I am waiting to see the New Jerusalem, where Jesus is and will be forever! I am sorry you didn't get to take that trip with your brother. I know that hurts...but again...you will be with him as well one day, in the New Jerusalem! Praise God!

  11. I am so sorry about your brother...that would be a great vacation/visit to Israel. smiles

  12. Thank you for visiting my blog. Enjoyed reading your answers. Sorry about the loss of your brother and never being able to go to Israel.


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