Thursday, June 23, 2022


 Since the heat is so bad it's keeping me from porch-sitting, I'm doing some window sitting!  We enjoy opening up the blinds and letting the outside in.

My pictures today were taken from inside the house looking out, the window screens keep the pictures from being the best.

I've mentioned before how much I enjoy this big window that looks out to the front of the house.

This window is by the table where I work my puzzles.  Mr D hung a bird feeder just outside and now I can enjoy the birds coming for supper each evening.

The other day there were 6 little birds out there fighting for a place at the table.

While I was watching the birds I was also working a puzzle.  I liked this one because I'm also just a girl who loves books.

Until Next Time


  1. What a nice place to sit and enjoy the outside from inside. :-) It's very, very hot here too and has been for a couple of weeks now. Thunderstorms are predicted for tonight and tomorrow though so maybe it will cool off a bit then.
    The puzzle looks like a lot of fun. I'm also a girl who loves books.

  2. Love that verse at the end. Blessed strength! ❤️

  3. We couldn't sit outside today, so I sat just inside the sunroom and watched our birds on the feeders.

  4. Lovely photos, Mary! You won't find me outside these days, either. I love your puzzle but the only book I've read is Outlander... and there are nine of them in the series! Have a blessed Friday and weekend!! xo

  5. That puzzle is such a great one!! It must be fun to work on while keeping on eye on those birds.


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