Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Wednesday Wisdom


Until Next Time

Post Script:

We survived the extremely cold weather, extremely cold for this part of Texas.  All is well and we're warming up for a few days and then another cold blast is due in for this weekend.  Good news, this front won't be as cold as what we just had.  Thank You Lord


  1. I'm just not a fan of cold weather...give me Spring and early Summer.
    Stay warm!

  2. So glad you made it through the cold snap. I love that James 1:5 verse. Take care my friend.

  3. My friend posted a picture of her icy yard. I have visited her twice. She lives in Georgetown. Stay warm and cozy!

  4. I'm so glad y'all made it through this last Arctic blast with few issues. I always feel so bad for the birds and wildlife -- but have to remind myself, "God's got this."

  5. It's cold in so many places!! We had 2 degrees this morning, but the sun was shining.

  6. We are cold (for us) here in Florida, too. Warming up tomorrow and the cold again, just like you are experiencing (though not as cold as you!!)!

  7. Cold can be hard if you aren't used to it and of course being outside in it for too long no one is used to that! I am happy to hear it won't be as cold as predicted.

  8. I well remember those awful cold fronts that would come through! Brr! Hopefully you can all warm up soon! I love the thought about the smile making you lovely - I so agree! Many blessings to you!


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