Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Everyday Images #543.

Today I'm joining a new meme that I found through Pam at Closed Doors, Open Windows.

It's hosted by A Fresh Cup of Coffee!

Just click HERE to join in the fun.

 January Prompts - Everyday Images #54

at home (monthly)
on my plate (quarterly)

Join in by clicking HERE!

1. Blanket -

This is Bitsy's blanket; she loves to snuggle up in it In fact, she's in there as this picture was taken.  She snuggles in so deep you can't see her.

2. Moon
I looked the house over and could not find a moon anywhere.  But I think my happy plate looks like a moon.

And a cup to match!

3. Square
A square shape cross stitch I stitched a few years back.

I chose the LOGO on one of my favorite appliances!

5, At Home
Our chairs where we sit to watch TV.  Most of the day Mr D sits in his man cave and enjoys all his toys, and I'm in our bedroom enjoying all of my toys!

We do enjoy being together to watch a movie or something else of interest to both of us.

6. On My Plate
Nothing on this plate but a lot of memories!
This plate is from a set of dishes that were my Mother-in-Love's.  After she passed and her things were given to various family members I managed to get this one plate.  I love pretty plates and old plates with a history.  Many times we sat at her table and shared a meal from these plates.

Please excuse this picture for being grainy, I took a picture of a picture that's in a frame.

Herman and Anna Marie, Mr D's parents.  This picture was taken years ago for the church album.

Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine
Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine
Heir of salvation, purchase of God
Born of his Spirit, washed in His blood
This is my story, this is my song
Praising my Savior all the day long

Blessings to All
Until Next Time


  1. My, how your Mr. D resembles his mother! (IMHO) I love that Bitsy has her own blankie. (Our girls, too. Creature comforts!) That's a good idea about using the Happy Face plate for a moon! That one stymied me, so I opted to sit this one out. Have a blessed evening!

    1. I'm not surprised you noticed how much Mr D looks like his mom, almost a clone! lol Wishing you a blessed evening too.

  2. Fun to see your picture choices.
    Your TV watching chairs look very comfortable and I like your braided rug. We have a couple of them too.

    1. I really like braided rugs, and have several in the house.

  3. This is a fun new (to me) meme. I enjoyed your photo choices!!

    1. It is a fun meme, this is my first time to join in.

  4. Hey, You did great on this!! I love it!! I love your Bitsy's blanket! Perfect! I love that we can't even see her wrapped up inside it, she loves it so much! I love the happy face moons! That's much better than the man in the moon or the moon's made of green cheese! LOL. Your chairs are so nice. Your room looks so homey and comfy. Funny that you both stay in your favorite places to do things during the day...I stay in my room with a view and read and write here on the computer when I am not busy doing laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc., and hubby stays in his recliner with his laptop and watching TV at the same time. We come together for meals and morning devotions ...oh, and nap time! LOL. I enjoyed your post and the pictures you share. I love that plate, especially that it belonged to your mother in law.That makes it extra special!!!! Love their picture too! All good stuff! Thanks for joining in!

    1. My reply posted as 'Anonymous.' Crazy computer or crazy blogspot. lol

  5. We like it that way, he watches a lot of political stuff and I just can't do that. He also plays his guitar, all his equipment is in his little man cave so that keeps him in there most of the time. Like you, we come together for meals and we do sit together and talk about what needs to be talked about. lol And of course we're together at bedtime. I enjoyed playing this meme!

  6. I love all your photos and I'm so glad you joined in at Everyday Images! Very cute to see the blanket Bitsy snuggles down in, and I love that beautiful vintage plate. Your TV watching room and chairs look so cozy and inviting. I look forward to seeing you again in the link-up!

  7. That plate is beautiful. I have one like it from my grandmother, my dad's mom. Your living room chairs, they look so comfortable and your living room looks so warm and cozy!


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