Tuesday, August 26, 2014

What is Hope?

I made this card a while back, some of you may remember it from a previous post.
Hope you don't mind that I'm using it again!
Hope is Deb's special word for this year, so I dedicate this post to her.
You can visit Deb @ Breathing in Grace.
Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help.  Whose hope is in the Lord his God.
Psalm 146:5
Those who place their hope in God can face tomorrow without any fear of the future.  When you trust in God, you do more than hope for the best.  You rest in knowing God's best is His plan for your life.
Hope is....
....the breath of nature that surrounds us every day.
....seen in a sprig that shoots up from the crevasse of a sundried rock, proving the water of life within.
....the first ray of sunshine that peeks above the horizon, without fail, every morning with blazing truth, telling us we can make it through.
....dispatched when the moon rises in the dark
....swells within a sea-weary drifter when he spots a distant speck of a ship that grows larger with each passing wave.
....commencement addresses, inspiring graduates as they embark on the new life that lies ahead, as they step out on the pathway strewn with possibilities. 
....the cry of a newborn baby once bound, now free.
Have you glimpsed the glow of hope?  Strike a match and burn a candle.  You will discover that the whisper of its flame brings life to a room, making the candle useful.
Hope pierces the darkness.
It is the absolute assurance that there is life after death.  For those who have lost loved ones, and we all have, hope brings comfort to our aching souls.  It perseveres, persuades, prevails.
Hope is a gift ~ have you ever taken hold of such a prize that leads you out of uncertainty into profound assurance?  If so, you have possessed hope.
Today's Inspiration:
Billy Graham
The Reason for my Hope
Linking With:
Until Next Time


  1. I'm gonna bookmark and save and print off this post....it's awesome!!! Written from the heart of a lady who knows where HOPE is found! HOPE you have an great day, my precious friend!

  2. Blessed hope! I am thankful for the hope that we have in Jesus.

    Lovely post and beautiful card. Hugs to you!


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