Sunday, December 21, 2014

Jesus and Santa

My dear precious Jesus,
I did not mean to take your place,
I only bring toys and things

and you bring love and grace.
People give me lists of wishes

and hope that they came true;
But you hear prayers of the heart

and promise your will to do.
Children try to be good and not to cry

when I am coming to town;
But you love them unconditionally

and that love will abound.
I leave only a bag of toys

and temporary joy for a season;
But you leave a heart of love,

full of purpose and reasons.
I have a lot of believers

and what one might call fame;
But I never healed the blind

or tried to help the lame.
I have rosy cheeks and a voice full of laughter;
But no nail-scarred hands

or a promise of the hereafter.
You may find several of me in town or at a mall;
But there is only one omnipotent you,

to answer a sinner’s call.
And so, my dear precious Jesus,

I kneel here to pray;
To worship and adore you on this,

your holy birthday.

Today's Inspiration:
Jana Kaiser-Johnson

Until Next Time
~ Always remember ~
Santa is not the reason for the season!



  1. I've never read this...thanks for's awesome! HOPE you have a blessed SONday!

  2. Oh how true! I wish everyone could read this! Thanks for sharing.

  3. This is wonderful, Mary.
    Wishing you a blessed Christmas.

  4. Read this on face book You did good. I do ceramics and have done numerous pieces of the Santa and Baby Jesus. Have all sizes. One of my favorite to do
    My husband went to Heaven 2014 November 26 2017 we would have celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary.


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