Monday, April 13, 2015

Sing to the Lord

If we fail to sing in church, we are missing out on a major component of worship. Christians come to church, they pray, they listen, and when it comes time to sing, some are not singing at all, and some are just mouthing the words.
What is up with that?
There are three main reasons why we need to sing to our God.

1. We are commanded to sing. 
It is right there in the Bible.  Scripture commands us to sing over 250 times. It’s not a choice and it’s not dependent on feeling like it.  Here it is in Psalm 100:1-2,  “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.” Now that should motivate you to start singing praises!

2. Singing together completes our joy and expresses our solidarity. 
Singing in church completes our experience of worship. Singing together brings us together in worship before the Lord. We are together in fellowship praising Him.

3. Singing affects us emotionally and bears testimony to our faith.
We are what we sing.  Music affects us on a deeply emotional level, whether we are aware of it or not. Someone once wrote that in his grandfather’s final days, he did not remember his grandson’s name and could not accomplish ordinary tasks, but he could still remember the words of the hymns he sang every week for years. The songs we sing build up a testimony that will travel with us through life.  Singing praises is a way of giving our testimony. Do we want to look like an “excited believer” or a “disinterested spectator” to those who see us in church? Remember, not everyone in church is a Christian. There are visitors and there are those who attend but do not truly believe. Your singing can inspire those around you to turn to the One for whom you sing praises.  Ultimately, those who may feel they are on the outside looking in will, from the deepest part of themselves, respond to authentic and passionate singing to discover the truth held in the God songs we sing.

And that, dear friends and family, is truly a reason to sing.
Today's Inspiration:
Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!
Psalm 95:1-2 ESV

So many churches do not sing from hymnals any longer.  Their songs are new and contemporary.  Pianos and organs have given way to guitars and drums, that doesn't change this message.  Even if the songs and music are new, and the words are projected on a screen...
sing, sing, sing!

Please remember I am a vintage Christian and remember the old days!  I've gone from hymns and choirs to praise and worship.

Until Next Time
Singing Praises to God Who Reigns Above



  1. I am a member of the Church of Christ...which is nondenominational. We don't use musical instruments such as an organ, piano or anything else, we sing and make melody in our hearts and with our voices. I need to mention though that even though we don't have a choir, whoever leads the singing (always a male member), has a pitch pipe and he just blows into it for the first note of the hymn, then he begins and everyone sings together. I used to be a Presbyterian where there is a choir and an organist, so it took me a bit of getting used to singing a capella, but I was fine once I got used to it. Beautiful post, Mary, as always...and thank you!

  2. It's hard to explain what music does to my soul. I've said for many years that the songs we sing to the Lord seem to fill me up more than speaker can....the songs preach sermons, too!!! Thanks for this awesome reminder, Ms. Mary! HOPE you're having a Terrific Tuesday!

    1. Hi Deb! I love praise and worship, even tho my singing is not very good! So far it's a great rainy Tuesday!

  3. Dropping by from Linda's blog. Yes, I love to sing to the church although my voice sounds like a frog. It is my heart that sings to the LOrd!

  4. My singing leaves a lot to be desired for sure. Just hope it goes thru a lot of filters before it reaches the Throne of God. :-) Thanks for stopping by.

  5. I can't sing but the Lord said simply to make a joyful noise right? might not be JOYFUL to those around but the joy is in my heart for sure! Singing to our Lord is just that....We're singing to HIM! I love our praise and worship time because to me it is an ACT of praise and worship! Sometimes I find myself just standing there at my seat and crying...not of sadness but of joy. Thanks for sharing this today! LOVE IT! Hugs and blessings, Cindy


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