Wednesday, June 10, 2015


If there's one thing I've learned in my older years, it's patience.  Years of experiencing  life's ups and downs will certainly teach you that you're not in control of everything, in fact you're in control of very little.  The good news ~ God is in control!
I  love this definition of patience:
 "Patience is a calm endurance based on the certain knowledge that God is in control."
It's wonderful to have a God that walks with us in the 'ups' and carries us in the 'downs,' teaching us patience and understanding in all things.
This is a great quote by Russell Moore:
There's something about patience that God deems necessary for our life in the age to come.
Patience is the companion of wisdom.
Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.
Hebrews 10:36 NLT

Patience: My special word for 2015

Until Next Time



  1. I said something similar to a lady recently....that the older I get the more patient I am. I find that especially true with the grandkids! :-) Your words are always so wise, Ms Mary. You're precious to me!

  2. Great message today about patience! Sometimes I think my patience is a lot better as I age and other times I think "not so much so". LOL! Learning to let GOD control has been a journey for me. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  3. Patience is not one of my virtues. Great post, Mary. God is always in control...even with us who do not have patience, wink. Blessings

  4. Yes, patience is a life long learning experience! I too seem to understand the importance of it, in my older days ! Giving of my time to allow another the time to comprehend what I am trying to do or say.

  5. Oh my, I struggle with patience daily - but I am getting better. Most of my impatient turmoil is within and not necessarily on display for everyone to see and hear. Our God, however, does know of my struggle! Your post is an excellent reminder!

  6. I consider myself to be a patient person and people who know me well also tell me that I am patient. Still, I think I have a ways to go to be more patient. Great post, Mary. God is indeed in control!


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