Saturday, July 2, 2016

Saturday Pea~s

When you feel weary, Pray!

Oh Lord, I give you my heart and all that burdens it.  Fill me with Your power and strength.  Sustain me with Your mercy and love.  Surround me with Your grace and peace.  And to You I give all the glory for rest and renewal.

In Him who is the source of my strength,
I have strength for everything.
Philippians 4:13

Until Next Time
Hangin' with PeaBug


  1. Yes ma'am...thank you for this post. Have a Joyful Saturday friend.

  2. Prayer never hurts and most of the time helps immensely! Good post, Mary!

  3. Thank you for the reminder and encouragement, sweet friend.

    I just LOVE the look of your blog in honor of the 4th :) Speaking of which, have a blessed 4th of July. Love and hugs!

  4. Amen! Jesus is my strength, without Him I am nothing but with Him I can do all things, according to His will!
    Happy 4th Mary!

  5. As usual I needed to stop and visit with Mary. You always make my day!!! Thanks, LJ


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