Saturday, September 2, 2017

Saturday's Thought

Source: Millie's Coffee Corner Facebook Page

Saturday Morning's Cup

Sunshine streaming in the windows.
Cup of coffee's in my hand.
Birds are singing from the treetops.
It's Saturday, and nothing's planned.

Perhaps I'll do some shopping,
Or visit an old friend.
Bake some cookies in the oven;
Got some jeans I need to mend.

But I'll sit here a little longer;
Sip my coffee laced with cream.
Look at flowers out my window;
Take some time--
to dream.


  1. "Bake some cookies in the oven"

    This sounds like a good idea!

  2. Have a happy Saturday, whatever you choose to do!

  3. I hope you have a beautiful Saturday Mary. Smiles

  4. Hope you're having a great Saturday, my sweet Friend!

  5. I love that you are able to enjoy your Saturday this week...after the trauma of last week. May the Lord continue to give you joy in each new day. So thankful for how He answered prayers!


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