Thursday, September 21, 2017

Thankful Thursday

I am always thankful for the simple things of life, those things you really don't pay much attention to until you don't have them!!

Things like.....

Sweater Weather
It's not here yet but I'm anxiously waiting!

Slow Cookers
One of the best inventions ever!

Pints of Ice Cream
I know, I know....pounds and cholestral....{{sigh}}

Snooze Button
Oh my,  I love my snooze button.  I set my alarm an hour earlier than needed so I can slowly wake up with my snooze button.

Petty Stationery/Cards
Email and electronic cards seem to be taking over, but I still love the feel of pretty paper in my hands,  I still love being surprised when I find a pretty card in the mailbox.  I'm an old-fashioned girl and I'm too old to change.

Thank You Lord for the unnoticeable things, they make me happy!

Linking with Rebecca Jo at Knit By God's Hand

Until Next Time
Praising God for all He provides!


  1. I love getting cards fun. I love my slow cooker too. You just reminded me that I was wanting a roast and I make them in my slow cooker. Guess I'll be hitting the grocery real soon.

    Have a great day

  2. I love getting cards also. Wont use my slow cooker for a while yet, but I do love it. Ice cream is just the best, especially with chocolate sauce and whipped cream, lol... Hugs, LJ

  3. I love me a snooze button... I love it a FEW times a morning ;) haha

  4. Mary, I love pretty cards, too and I send cards to people regularly. Ever since I moved away from my hometown, finding a card or letter in the mailbox is such a special treat. It doesn't happen that often anymore. I'm looking forward to sweaters and jeans myself. I haven't set my alarm since retiring except the few times we had an early appointment. I wake up early naturally.

  5. Mary, we lovers of stationery are going to keep the world cultured. Who does not love to receive a piece of mail that can be held and re read???

  6. Sweet things to be thankful for today. I like the mail in my hand thing too! Rare these days.

  7. I've been asked why I set my alarm when we're retired and don't HAVE to get up at any particular time. My answer is that I like mornings and I don't want to sleep in but without my glasses I can't see the time on my bedside clock. So when the alarm goes off I cheerfully ( but rather slowly) get myself out of bed and face the new day.

  8. I love reading thankful posts, Ms. Mary. I was reading your list and nodding my head in agreement!!! ;-)

  9. Thankful posts are just the best! I agree with you on the slow cooker and the sweater weather!!

  10. Oh I just love all your thankfuls and agree with them all!

  11. So much everyday to be Thankful for, if we would just slow down and look around us. God is good, all the time.


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