Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Wednesday's Wisdom

Today I'm sharing a few words from Seamless.
As I mentioned yesterday, it's a women's study happening at my church.

The entire Bible is a vast library, written by 40 authors over 1600 years.  You can explore the nooks and crannies for a lifetime, the amazing thing is those 66 books tell one seamless story about the God who made us, loves us, redeems us, and has a future for us.

Does God test us?

He sure does!!

Does He tempt us?

Absolutely not.

Is there a difference?

There sure is.

God tests us because He knows we can (and hopefully will) make the choice that reflects our trust and love for Him. He sets us up to honor Him and He strengthes us in obedience.

Tempting someone is more like inviting them into a situation where you want them to fail.  That's exactly what our adversary, Satan, does.

God doesn't owe us a single thing.
It's His show, y'all.  Every bit of it.

God doesn't have to love you, but He does.

There is nothing passive about our Father God, and inasmuch as He is good, He is also just.

Just some October stuff. . .

Do you know that October ends on the same day of the week as February every year?
I sure didn't know that!

Folk lore says..
Rain in October
Means wind in December…..

October gave a party;
The leaves by hundreds came,—
The Ashes, Oaks, and Maples,
And leaves of every name.
The sunshine spread a carpet,
And every thing was grand;
Miss Weather led the dancing;
Professor Wind, the band....
The sight was like a rainbow
New-fallen from the sky....
~George Cooper (1840–1927), "October's Party," c.1887

Until Next Time
Live Life Joyously


  1. I didn't know that either about October ending on the same day as February every year! I love to attend your Bible Study if I lived close, it sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing it.

  2. I had no idea about October ending on the same day as Feb. every year, interesting, smiles. I would love to go to your Bible study, Mary.

    I hope you have a beautiful remainder of the day. smiles

  3. I did not know that about October and February!

  4. Good post today and lots of things to think about. God does not leave us.....tho we leave him at times, He is still there. Hope your Wednesday is going good.

  5. I sure didn't know that about October and February either. We are never too old to learn. One of our ladies classes taught the Seamless Miss Mary. The ladies loved it. Glad you are enjoying it. I am teaching an old one by Beth Moore right now called Stepping Up. The Psalms! Oh my mercy! It has been soooo good. I am loving it. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  6. I like that George Cooper poem. Autumn is a great season; too bad winter follows though.

  7. So thankful for God's TESTS, even though I may not appreciate them at the time. But through His tests we are always being loved, and being taught such valuable lessons for life. So thankful that His tests helps us to resist temptation! October is a favorite month. It just doesn't seem to last long enough!!!

  8. I really like learning facts like these :).
    Autumn is so lovely.

  9. Gee, who would have ever thought to figure that out about October and February? I think the tests God gives us are much more appreciated in hindsight. 😉 I'm glad you're enjoying Seamless. We are studying Romans in BSF and so thankful for God's Grace that He lavished on us because there was nothing we could do to save ourselves.

  10. Thank you, Mary, for sharing from your Bible Study, Seamless! Thank you for sharing the difference of testing and tempting. Your explanation is so plain. Loved the poem about Autumn!

  11. Some interesting trivia about October and February. Some comforting words about our Lord not abandoning us or tempting us and loving us always! Thanks!!


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