Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Palm Sunday

Pastor Hank (our son-in-love) shared a great message on Palm Sunday. 

"It is important to understand that He (Jesus) didn't simply die; He dismissed His Spirit. His death was deliberate and voluntary. He wasn't a victim; He was a sacrifice."

Why? Because of God's compassion for us, me and you, He sent His only Son to be crucified for our sins. He took our sins upon Himself.

He Is Risen!

Why? Because God has compassion for us, He wants us to know He has overcome death, and we have everlasting life with Him.

We can thank God that He is compassionate towards us. The whole Bible is a book about compassion. From the opening book of Genesis until the final conclusion of Revelation we get to see a God that designed a world just for us only to have us sin against Him. Yet, He doesn’t stop there but rather pursues us and brings all who believe in Jesus in to a right relationship with God through the shed blood of Jesus. That is compassion; when someone who knew no sin, became sin for us and died on a cross so that we could have life eternal with God! Praise God from who all blessings flow.

After service the church served barbeque sandwiches and potato salad.  It was so much fun to share a meal and fellowship with others.

After lunch we all headed outside to watch the children hunt Easter eggs.

Ava and Emma looking through their eggs to see if they won a special prize.

Here I am, looking for Ava and Emma....there were so many children they got lost in the crowd.  Mr D looks like he's scowling, but he just has a sucker in his mouth!

Here we are with the Easter Bunny!!

 I just want to say, in Sunday School the children were taught about the true meaning of Easter.  

It's not about eggs and bunnies, it about what Christ Jesus did for them.

Until Next Time

Up from the grave he arose;
with a mighty triumph o'er his foes;
he arose a victor from the dark domain,
and he lives forever, with his saints to reign.
He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose!


  1. "...in Sunday School the children were taught about the true meaning of Easter."

    Our church does that too. I like that. The bunny and eggs always seem so out of place to me. I mean, I still eat the Cadbury eggs, don't get me wrong... ;-)

  2. Looks like a fun and meaningful day.

  3. That picture of you, Mr. D and the girlies is so precious. Have a blessed Holy week and Easter.

  4. "Oh what a Love". Amen well said Mary''1
    I thought you had bunny ears on at first in the photo, with the picket fence. LOL
    Great post.

  5. Such a wonderful post, Mary! I love the pic of y'all with the grands!

    Grace & Peace,

  6. A beautiful post and I love the pictures of you two with the kiddos! Praise God!!

  7. Such precious fotos of you and Mr D with your great grand girls. Hope you have a blessed Easter, sweet Friend. 💜

  8. Such a lovely post, Mary. I'm so glad that you and Mr. D were able to spend this special time at church with your family. Love the idea of how the church served the barbeque and potato salad after service and then moved out to watch the kids hunt Easter eggs. :-) Great picture of you and Mr. D. Your hair is so pretty, Mary.

  9. Wonderful post Mary and the grandkids are so adorable!
    I like the photo of you and hubby with the sucker in his mouth. So cute!

  10. I love that you had a family time after church with your church family. I know the children are being taught about Jesus' death and resurrection...but I also love that they have fun memories with other children/family at Easter too. I think as long as things are kept in proper perspective there is no reason not to celebrate and have some fun. These are all happy memories for the children and families to treasure.


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