Monday, October 14, 2019

Monday Morning Coffee Chat

It's not fun to be sick!

I had chills and fever Friday night with no symptoms to go with it!

Saturday morning symptoms appear, it has to be a bladder infection.
😞 😞 😞

The fever and chills were gone so I took some Tylenol and went to Emma's birthday party.  I enjoyed being with my family, that alone made me feel better.  I think everyone gave her play dough, she got enough to last at least a year.  Made her happy and that's what counts.

When we got home late Saturday afternoon I fed the dogbabies and did some porch sitting while they did their business.  We're having some great weather, it was so nice out there.  By then I was exhausted and went straight to bed.  I was dragging all day Sunday, I'm glad I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon.

We had a great time at GLOW last Friday.  An old friend that now lives in Minnesota came to visit.
It was nice to see her and we talked and laughed and had a great time.  I'm sorry to say we had several ladies out because of illness, we sure missed them.

  Arlene, Me, Sandy, Cindy (our guest) and Zephra.

I'm sharing this picture and laughing!

Arlene had made a chocolate cake for the occasion and managed to get it all over her when she was cutting and serving, so she pulled her sweater around to hide her dirty shirt.  Things like that just happen.  I don't know how I got pushed to the back but I managed to peek through with a smile.  We'll laugh about this for a while, great times make precious memories.

Columbus Day Trivia

Columbus Day first became a Colorado state holiday in 1906. It was designated a federal holiday in 1937. However, three states (Hawaii, Alaska and South Dakota) do not recognize it at all.

Ninety men set sail with Columbus on his first voyage.

It took 35 days for the first sailor to spot land.

When chess masters play, they sometimes take a long time between moves. Why? In part, because they are planning three, four, five, or more moves ahead. One might question why a master makes a particular move until he sees, later in the game, how that move set in motion a series of events that resulted in a win.

If you don’t understand one of God’s moves in your life, be patient while you pray and wait for the purpose to be revealed.


Hope everyone has a Marvelous Monday

Until Next Time


  1. Hope you feel better soon sweet blog friend. Take care.

  2. OH, you have Columbus Day when we have our Thanksgiving. So we all get a day off ( let's face it, as seniors we get EVERY day off)

    I'm sorry you are not feeling 100%. I hope you feel better real soon.

  3. Infections like that are very uncomfortable. I do hope you feel a lot better now....drink lots of water.

  4. Thank you for the wonderful chess analogy! I sure hope you are getting better and they give you something to relieve and heal you. Praying you will be better soon.

  5. Sure hope your doctor got you squared away with that (possible) bladder infection. They are nasty! Fun times with family and your GLOW ladies!! Have a good week!

  6. Oh I hope you are feeling better and that you got some antibiotics for that infection. I know how miserable those can be. Praying you are getting better quickly. Love the picture of you and your GLOW ladies...they are all glowing! I know being with them is a real blessing. Thank you for sharing with us...and please feel better soon.

  7. Hope you feel better, Mary. Smiles

  8. I do hope this finds you feeling much better Miss Mary. Enjoyed the pictures and so glad you got to spend time with your family and your friends. Hugs and blessings, Cindy


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