Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Tuesday 4

Welcome to Tuesday 4 in honor and memory of ToniTaddeo hosted by Annie!
Join in here! 

1. What kind of setting do you like in a book as in nation, country, city, beach, resort, village and why? If there is no preference, how about a type of character?

I enjoy historical novels set in America, England, Scotland or Ireland.  I like the good to prevail and the bad to be defeated.

2. Can you tell us about a favorite character in a book you've enjoyed or a program you watch?

I really liked Buck Williams in The Left Behind Series and Father Tim in the Mitford Series.  As much as I used to read there must be more, but they're just not coming to mind right now.

3. Why are you interested in the TV programs or movies you watch or books you read ? That is, what attracts you to them.

I watch a lot of documentaries because most subjects interest me.  I love a good mystery, but these days there is too much smut and dirty language, so there's not much out there to watch.  I still watch Blue Bloods because I like Tom Selleck.  I used to watch FOX Cable News all day, not any more, it's too depressing.  I love a lot of the old movies on TCM, the black and whites from the 40's and 50's. All movies starring John Wayne or Jimmy Stewart are a must watch, I never tire of them.

4. Do you get upset if the routine of your day is upset or can you go with the flow? 

When I was a young working MoM, I would sometimes get upset if my day was thrown off in any way.  Working while trying to raise (with Mr D's help) four children took a lot of discipline and routine.  Now, we're retired and we don't have a routine.  We just get up each morning and live the day as it comes and as God provides.  BTW, God held my hand all those years I worked and took care of my family, I would have never made it if He hadn't been helping me.

Until Next Time


  1. A great post Mary. Now I am interested in your job while raising your family. I was blessed to be a stay at home mom and then part time nursery school teacher by choice. I admire women who can work full time and raise a family. My hat is off to you.

    1. When I first went to work in 1967 I worked at our local bank in the bookkeeping department, and as a teller. I left in 1969 and had 2 more children before going bank to work in 1976 at the same bank. I was a teller for a few years and then went back to the bookkeeping department where I retired as AVP of operations in 1996. Our little hometown bank was a wonderful place to work, and many of the GLOW ladies worked together at the bank for many years.

  2. I always enjoy your posts, Mary. I have just about had enough of the news, period. My suggestion for all these naysayers is to work together, instead of bring everything / everyone down. ANYWAYS...

    Since Bluebloods killed off Linda, I just don't watch it anymore. smiles

  3. The Left Behind series is good. Loved your answers! Have a great Tuesday!


  4. Yes, Buck Williams on Left Behind. I want to read that series again. My son read it too. I would like my grandson to read it too. So good to be retired!

  5. Yes, it is good to be retired and not have to get up and out the door at a certain time every day. But my husband likes to keep a "routine" of when we eat, when we take a walk, when we go to bed, so we do stay on a kind of schedule. However, if someone calls and says you wanna meet for lunch, he is ready to go these days. We are tired of sitting home. I love to read old fashioned historical fiction, mysteries, adventure, etc. Like you, no smut. I don't watch much tv because there just isn't much to watch, unless it is old movies, etc. I was a bookkeeper too, but in the school system mostly, and then at a large church where I was a church financial administrator. So glad to be done with that. I don't even like to balance my checkbook anymore. Thank goodness for online banking! LOL. Can't watch the news beyond the early morning F&F, maybe check in at noon and then for the Five, but it is so much a repetition of the same thing all day long, and I'm tired of the whole big mess. Praying hard for our country, our President, and all... Have a blessed day.

    1. Pamela I also try to watch the local news, just to be informed about this area. I also like to watch the weather, after that I'm done. Our country and our President need our prayers, only God can help us. Hope your day is happy and blessed.

  6. LOVE Tom Selleck's Blue Bloods! I know what you mean about foul language, etc. becoming commonplace. I like to think of myself as a 'live and let live' type, but have discovered I/we can be hugely intolerant of the blatant homosexuality story lines in many of our formerly-favorite television shows -- even commercials airing in prime time.

  7. Yes there is a lot of nasty stuff in movies and tv today and hard to avoid sadly. Enjoyed reading your answers and getting to know more about you.

  8. Isn't it lovely to be retired and have our days open to do what we like?
    I was interested to see you worked in a bank...so did I. Later when we had children I did home daycare. For 35 years I had either my own or someone else's little ones around.

  9. Enjoyed reading your answers. Way different than mine!


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