Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Heat Wave

WoW !!

Bet I could fry an egg on the sidewalk. 😀

Wasn't too bad on the porch early this morning.

A Bible Verse for Today:

2 Corinthians 4:17
For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glorythat far outweighs them all. 


  1. WoW. That's HOT in June!!! I lived in Spring Texas way back when and I remember sitting the car waiting for the kids to get let out from school. The steering wheel of the car was so hot it couldn't be touched. Beautiful header you have on your blog.

  2. It's rainy and very muggy here. We have had lots of rain. One minute I am praying for rain and one minute I am praying for it to stop. LOL! Guess we are never happy. Hugs and blessings to you Miss Mary. Cindy

  3. Love the scripture which is especially good to read right now! Wow to that 111°!! We are just in the low 90s here in central Florida. Whewie!

  4. yikes!!! its currently 93* here, the high school says 98*...hot here too, yes even in western NY. smiles

  5. It is 95 here today and will be 98 tomorrow! Guess spring is gone and summer is here!

  6. That is too hot. I love the snail poem on your flower pot! Thank you for sharing the Bible verse. I am glad you can get out early and beat the heat. I wish you a very nice evening. Mildred xoxo

  7. Mary, that is really toasty!! I hope that you have a nice breeze that cools things off a bit. ♥

  8. Yikes, that IS hot! I guess I won't complain about our heat. Stay inside and stay cool! Thank the Lord for AC! How did we survive before it? I know we did, but I don't know how! God bless you.

  9. I woke to rain and the showers continued on and off all day. I never took my sweater off, that's how cool it stayed. I was wishing for warm, sunny weather but I think I prefer this to the heat you have in Texas.

  10. Oh wow, that is warm!! We have been having really cool weather here in Utah. After a rainy weekend here in the valley, there were snow in the surrounding mountains. Hope things cool off some for you. Enjoy the rest of the week.

  11. Oh, just too hot! I sure hope it cools down soon and isn't too humid. :)


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