Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Tuesday 4

A Matter of Time

Welcome to Tuesday 4, a collection of 4 questions each week. 
Annie @ Cottage By The Sea keeps it 
going in memory of our dear friend Toni Taddeo, the founder of the meme.  Thank you Annie!

Let's discuss time!

1. Are meals eaten at certain times in your home or are they more spontaneous?

When we were raising our children meals were at certain times and supper was always the entire family sitting at the table.  As the kids grew and became involved in outside activities meal times started changing. Four children with different activities at different times meant meals were at different times also, and not always together.  It bothered me for a while but when I saw everyone was happy and doing okay I calmed down and accepted a new way of doing things that met the needs of all the family.

2. If you attend religious services or club meetings, are they morning, afternoon or evening? Are there advantages/disadvantages to that time?

My ladies group meets once a week for lunch. Because of Covid19 we've only met twice since February, and I am missing this wonderful group of ladies!  

At this time in my life I'm available to meet at any time so there isn't any disadvantage.

3.Are you in bed and up in the mornings at a regular time each day?

Yes, but it sure has changed over the years.  It was a long time after retirement that my pattern changed, it just kind of evolved.  For many years it was up at 5:30am and to bed by 8:00pm.  Now it's to bed around midnight and up at 9:00am.  I never thought I would see the day I would sleep until 9 in the morning!

4.Do you set apart specific times during the day or week to do certain things like study, shopping, laundry, visiting? 

Once again, being retired I can do things when the mood strikes!  I do stay on top of things but there is no schedule, no rhyme or reason. 

Staying home as much as we are Mr D and I decided the best way to spend our time is in another good Bible Study.  We haven't done one together in a while, it's time to get busy!

We are looking forward to the arrival of 'Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven by David Jeremiah.  I've enjoyed his sermons on this subject and I think Mr D and I will enjoy this study.

Until Next Time


  1. Being flexible is important. That look like a good book set by Dr. David Jeremiah. I am reading through Job and Psalms right now. Enjoy your week!

  2. I loved your answers.
    I am retired too and it took time to get used
    to going to bed later and getting up later depending
    on what I was going to do that day.
    Have a great Tuesday my friend.

  3. Your bible study sounds great. I hope the book comes soon! I like a schedule but, its not always possible anymore.

  4. I am glad to FINALLY find someone who doesn't get up until 9:00 a.m.!!! I was feeling bad that so many still rise so early! LOL Thanks for that!! I was so glad to stop setting the alarm when I retired! Now I get up when I wake up unless there is something on the calendar that causes me to have to set the alarm! xo

  5. I love staying up late and sleeping in a little. I have no trouble doing that when I am able to stay home. I have never been able to get used to getting up at 5AM.
    Your Bible study looks wonderful! Enjoy! Loved your answers! Have a nice Tuesday.


  6. As always I enjoyed reading your answers. I wish I could sleep in but 7 o'clock is sleeping in for me. :(

  7. OOH...I like David Jeremiah. Let me know how the study is. I still work a few days a week outside the home so I am usually up by 6 am. Most nights I am in bed by 10:30. But I have decided that I could very easily be one to stay up late and sleep in late. Well, maybe not sleep...cause seems I do lots of turning and tossing but I think that is why I just wanna lay there when I need to be getting up. I am not a morning person and Marty is. He is so used to leaving home by 4:15 am to go to work and in bed by 9 at the latest. But he is asleep in recliner by 8. LOL! Hugs and blessings to you and Mr. D. Cindy

  8. Mary, I have the same sleep schedule as you!! lol I was always an early bird because I had to be and now I can do as I wish. One of the blessings of retirement.

  9. What a nice idea to do a Bible study together with your hubby. That should be very encouraging to both of you. I am a morning person, and we still get up around 5:30 or 6 at the latest. But we go to bed around 9:30, and we take a nap after lunch. Somehow we just need it. Meals are pretty much at the same times every day unless we are entertaining or being entertained, which we don't do much of anymore. Sundays we have church at 9:30 and then go to brunch with a group from church. That is the highlight of our week these days. So glad you still have your ladies' glow group. I miss mine from where we lived before, but our ladies at church will be starting up a Bible STudy in September, and I am planning to go. Looking forward to it. Have a blessed and wonderful day.


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