Wednesday, December 2, 2020

HodgePodge Wednesday 

It's time for some HodgePodge, so I'm linking with Joyce at HodgePodge Wednesday for some fun!

1. Here we are entering the last month of the year 2020. 2020!! Every year The Oxford English Dictionary publishing team chooses a word that captures the general mood of the year we're leaving behind, or the one word that will leave a lasting impact on the world at large. This year they needed sixteen words in order to cover the whole enchilada. 

While two of the other major dictionaries selected pandemic as their word of the year, Oxford came up with a long list including-bushfire, impeachment, acquittal, coronavirus, COVID-19, lockdown, social distancing, reopening, Black Lives Matter, Cancel Culture, BIPOC, mail-in, belarusian, moonshot, net zero (read more about each word here)

Of the words listed which ONE would you say should be in the number 1 spot? Which word/phrase on this list would you be happy to never hear again? 

It's hard for me to choose just one, there's a lot o.f important issues on this list.  Mr D and I were just talking about how fast they found a vaccine for the coronavirus and they still haven't found one for cancer.  Yes, I know they've come a long way in treatments and are saving many lives, but where's the cure?  Just a wondering thought.  The bushfires, WoW, such a tragedy.  So much destruction.  With all of that in my heart, my word would be the coronavirus and covid 19.  This plague has touched the lives of people world wide.  I pray the Good Lord takes it from us soon.

2. What one word from your own list of words describing this year sums up/best reflects your 2020? Tell us why. 

  SEPARATION!    This has been a year of separation.  Because of the brutal virus we are not able to be together with friends and family.   Social distancing has become dirty words for me.  My brother in law passed away earlier this year, for the first few days he was in the hospital my sister in law could not be with him.  Finally as his condition worsened they allowed her to see him but she couldn't leave his room.  She had to move in so to speak.  Mr D couldn't be with me while I was in the hospital and so very sick, nor could I be with him when he was rushed to the hospital with heart issues.  It's heartbreaking when all you can do is sit by the phone waiting for it to ring.

3. Do you like peppermint? Peppermint mocha, a candy cane, peppermint bark, peppermint tea, York Peppermint Pattie, peppermint ice cream...of the peppermint treats listed, which one is your favorite? Will you bake anything featuring peppermint this holiday season? 

I love peppermint!! York Peppermint Pattie being one of my favorites.  I'm not able to bake anymore but if I could I'm sure a peppermint treat would be on my list.

4. Besides Christmas, what do you associate the color red with? How about the color green? 

This time of year it has to be a poinsettia, I know they're a Christmas flower, but red is red!

 Green, has to be a fresh mowed yard and trees!  

5. Is your tree up? Real or artificial? Is your house decorated? Is your shopping done? Started? Wrapped? On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being Scrooge-like and 10 being Buddy the Elf, how's your Christmas spirit? .

Our tree isn't up but should be by the end of the day.  We haven't had a real tree in years, artificial is so much easier for us.  No gifts yet either, I know, I'm running late! 

I'm definitely Buddy the Elf.  I love Christmas!

6. Insert your own random thought here. .

With all that's happening in our world today, place your hope in our Heavenly Father.  Only in Him will you find peace.

Until Next Time


  1. I love poinsettias! And you random thought is so very true!

  2. Very well said, Mary. Separation is the hardest part of this whole year. I am thankful we have had our kids right here close to us the whole time so we didn't have to be separated, but thankfully no one had to go to the hospital. I'm so thankful you and Mr. D. are both doing better, and pray that next year will be really better for you all. We don't have our tree up yet either. I hope to get it up by the weekend. No gifts bought yet either. I am not a good shopper and I have no clue what to do this year. It put it off as long as I can and then I go crazy trying to get it all done. But somehow I manage. Getting too old to keep doing it that way, however! LOL. Have a blessed and wonderful Christmas season. I love the red and green of the poinsettias too.

  3. Good point about the vaccine ... and why NOT something for cancer? Not being permitted to see and touch a loved one (I think) is one of the cruelest parts about this season. We just got our tree up last night ... it looks pretty sad with no gifts. I may just rescue some empty boxes and wrap for 'looks' sake. The York Peppermint Patty used to be my favorite thing when, as a kid, I'd go to the movies.

  4. Shaking my head...we were just discussing this about the vaccine. The teachers union here informed everyone that in order to teach, you must be vaccinated. So, my teaching career will end before it really got started. Sorry, but why should I be vaccinated when 1. I already have Covid, 2. Have antibodies, 3. Cure rate is 99% with medicines, 4. The vaccine is only 90% effective. Some things just don't add up. ANYWAYS---So I hope I don't come across as ignorant or crass. I just wonder about these things...and no cancer drug, seriously? I am often left scratching my head.

    1. You are certainly not ignorant nor crass!! Hoping all this passes soon so we can get back to normal, whatever normal may be!!

  5. How nice to visit you today! I like your Christmas theme blog background.

    That is a very good thought regarding the vaccine, I hadn't thought about it that way. I have wondered though how they got it produced so quickly and question how long it will last as well as side effects.

    Separation is a fitting word for this year. I think of those in nursing homes and how they have been separated so long.

    God bless you. Have a nice day!

  6. Oh Mary, you have endured some of the worst of what COVID has brought us. So sorry about those hospital times separated from each other. That has to the awful. May God comfort your dear sister in law at the death of her husband during this year of isolation. Amen to your random thought!!

  7. Separation is an excellent word! Praying there is an end to that in this new year. How awful to be in the hospital afraid and alone. I will echo Ellen's amen to your random thought. Have a nice week!

  8. I agree with your word, separation. It is awful. We couldn't be at my brother-in-law's funeral, Joe's brother's funeral, our dear friend Tom's funeral. Those who can't be with loved ones in the hospital or who have family in nursing homes... it can't end soon enough.

  9. Separation is a word that reflects 2020, a harsh reality. I try to count my blessings and I have many. A word that means a lot to me right now is Prayer.

  10. Separation is a very accurate word to describe 2020, not only the forced separation of the pandemic, but all the racial and political separation, too. Amen to your random thought!

  11. Hi Mary:
    I worry about the vaccine side effects especially since my husband and I are older.
    I don't know if the vaccine would help depending on the side effects.
    Have a good day.

  12. Separation is the correct word. Loneliness too. How did you know you has Covid? What were your symptoms? I have had a fever for two days now but it is lower today. I am waiting for a phone appointment. I am hoping it is just a sinus thing. I take the flu shot every year. I did have the Hong Kong flu in 1968. I was so sick! I am so glad you survived Covid 19! God bless you!

    1. My oxygen dropped very low and I was feeling very weak. Ambulance took me to the hospital where I was diagnosed with covid pnuemonia. I hope you only have a sinus issue too, but I'm glad you're calling your doctor to be sure. Prayers

  13. Hi Mary,
    I enjoyed reading your answers.
    My husband and I have chatted about the vaccine too. Hmmm.. I wonder what kind of side effects there will be in the long run.
    Happy Christmas,


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