Tuesday, December 1, 2020


Tea Party                  Time for Tuesday 4 hosted by Annie!!

 Welcome to Tuesday 4 the legacy of Toni Taddeo, kept in her honor and memory.

Let's discuss tea parties.

1. Do you invite people over for coffee or tea?  Before covid I sure did!  I love having my friends over for a visit.  Always so much fun.

2.  Entertaining is a good way to serve others. The bible encourages it in talking about how to be a good person:

Isaiah 58: "“Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen:to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?      Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter— when you see the naked, to clothe them, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood? " 

 Do you entertain often?  Mr D and I have always enjoyed friends and family being at our home.  We don't entertain as often as we used to, health issues have slowed us down.  

3. What kind of refreshments do you offer to guests?  If I know someone is coming I usually have a cake or cookies to share and always coffee.  Along with Mr D and I, all of our friends are coffee drinkers.  A planned get-together we also have different cold drinks to choose from, sometimes you just want something cold ~ especially here on the Texas coast where it's hot most of the time.

4. Do you enjoy tea and/or coffee? How do you take it?  I enjoy a cup of hot tea on occasion, always with a teaspoon of sugar.  My coffee I take black, no sugar, no cream!!

Excuse me while I go get another cup of coffee!!

Coffee in a teacup, 

the best way to drink coffee!!

Until Next Time


  1. I have to have cream and sugar in my coffee.
    I enjoyed your answers today.
    Have a great Tuesday my friend.

  2. Would love to pop in and visit with you sometime. I hope you have tea for me! If my hubby is with me, he'll take coffee with cream and sugar. I like a teaspoon of sugar in my hot tea, but iced tea I prefer unsweet with lots of ice! I hope we can all get back to enjoying fellowshipping with others again in our homes.

  3. I used to drink coffee only in the morning and tea the rest of the day. In recent years I've grown to prefer coffee all day.... strong and black,please.
    When I do drink tea I take it with a small spoonful of honey.

  4. So happy you joined in. So happy you are home so you can enjoy that second cup of coffee!!

  5. I tell folks I can drink coffee however you throw it at me!! LOL It will be so much fun when we can begin to entertain again!!

  6. I used to take my coffee black, no cream or sugar, when I was in the Army. LOL! I drink it will a tad bit of milk these days, and during holidays you will find pumpkin spice creamer in my fridge. You are definitely right about wanting something cold in Texas! It seems like we have dwindled down to two seasons here - Hot and Hotter! =)

  7. (((grin))) I would love to have a cup of tea and cake with you, smiles. Have a beautiful day, friend.


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