Sunday, January 17, 2021

Sunday Stealing

 It's time for Sunday Stealing, join in the fun by clicking here!

A - Annoyance: Politics

B - Bestest Friend[s]:
Blessed with many!

C - Car:
Yes, we have one.  For many years we were a two car family and there was a time when we were a six car family.  WoW....that was when all the kids were still living at home.

D - Day or night:

E- Easiest person to talk to?:
Mr D

F - Favorite Month:
November through May

G - Gummy Bears or Worms:\
Neither, yukky

H - Hair Color:
Some people call it gray, I say it's silver! 😊

I - Ice Cream:
Blue Bell Vanilla Bean - so good.

J - Jewelry:
Yes, I wear the ususal, wedding rings plus two others, watch, I love to wear bracelets and my ears are double pierced so that takes 2 sets of earrings.  I've worn a diamond heart pendant for many years, I seldom take it off.

K - Kindergarten:
I didn't go to kindergarten.  Back in the day public schools didn't offer kindergarten.

L - Longest Car Ride:
South Louisiana to Canada.

M - Most missed person:
My Daddy and my Sister-in-Love.

N - Number of Siblings:
3 brothers, 2 are with the Lord.  I sure miss them.

O - One regret:

P- Part of your appearance you like least?:
I am who I am and work with what I've got.  lol

Q- Quote:
I don't know if you would consider this a quote, but I love the Serenity Prayer.  It has helped me many times through the years.

R - Reality TV Show:
Little People Big World

S - Shoe:
I have more pairs of shoes than I need.  Can I say I have a shoe weakness? 

T - Time you woke up:
5:30, had to take the dogbabies out.

U - Unpredictable?:
I don't think so but I can be fickle.  

V - Vegetable you hate:
None that I can think of.  I could eat a meal of only vegetables and enjoy every bite!

W- Worst Habits:

X - X-Rays:
I've had more than my share. :(

Y - Year you were born:
The year Sentimental Journey by Doris Day was number one in the charts.

Z - Zoom:
I've Zoomed once.

Always a good time with Sunday Stealing!!

Until Next Time


  1. I didn't go to Kindergarten either. My mother was my "kindergarten teacher" and she taught me everything I needed to know...I could tie my shoes and probably knew my colors and numbers...I don't know...but I survived 1st grade so I must have been okay. LOL. Longest ride was probably Maine to Florida when we moved back home. I love most vegetables too, but not fond of eggplant or boiled okra. LOL. I will have to look up Doris Day's song to find out your birth year. I remember the song, but don't know when it was written or originated. I loved Doris Day. I have no clue what songs were popular the year I was born...I guess I should check that out. 6 cars at one time? Wow! That's a lot of car insurance! (and gas). LOL. I enjoyed your answers. It was kind of a "sentimental journey". LOL. Happy SONday!

    1. Insurance on 6 cars was a lot...they had to pay for their own gas. Fortunately it was only a few years and one by one they graduated high school, got jobs and paid for their own insurance!!

  2. South Louisiana to Canada.... that's a very long car ride!!What part of Canada did you visit?
    I pray the Serenity prayer quite often. Did you know there are quite a few more lines to it?

    1. Yes I do know there are more lines to the Serenity Prayer, I just never memorized them. We were in Southern Ontario, lived there for almost a year.

  3. I LOVE your "P" answer!! I looked up Sentimental Journey. You are still a teenager, for goodness sake!! Fun stuff!! Have a great week ahead!

  4. I love the Serenity prayer! We are down to one car too. We are both retired and one works and it keeps the insurance down. Have a nice week Mary!

  5. I had my very first taste of Blue Bell ice cream last month! ... Yummm! Since becoming a dog parent I no longer know the meaning of sleeping late. (But aren't they worth it?) Love your response to P!

  6. This was so fun Mary.
    And thank you for the comment on my blog.. I am still smiling at it. I will be sharing it with my husband.
    Love, Carla

  7. P.S .. I now have Sentimental Journey stuck in my head. ;-) I love that tune.
    xx oo


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