Saturday, February 20, 2021

The Artic Blast of 2021

 Life is almost back to normal.  We still have to boil our water, it's okay, I'm thankful to have water.  The powers that be are still asking that we reserve power by not using appliances if not necessary.  So, I have a hamper full of dirty clothes waiting to be washed.  Well, at least we have clothes.  Mr D has made several trips to various stores looking for milk and so far he's come home empty handed, {{sigh}}.  But we do have plenty of bottled water, and that's a blessing.  

Unlike so many others in my great state of Texas, we were only without power for 26 hours.  We lost our power on Wednesday night at 9:30.  I had a full charge on my oxygo which got me through until 5:30am Thursday morning.  The house was warm for a while after the power went off and we snuggled under blankets and made it through the night.

BTW... 5:35am Thursday, I wake up to my Oxygo beeping (battery dead) and a cold (very cold) house, I make myself get up, put on the heaviest coat I have (which is not too heavy) and go outside, brrrrrr, and get in the car.  Good thing, the car's heater felt so good and I enjoyed it while charging the Oxygo.

We lost our internet service Sunday night and it wasn't restored until Friday!  I had to use my phone to keep up with friends and family.

Thursday morning we went to our daughter Tracey's home and spent the day and night with her.  Fortunately she never lost power.  One of the few homes in La Porte that kept power through it all.  I was able to take my home base oxygen unit with me, so much better than the Oxygo.  Scott had a fire in the fireplace, it was so warm and cozy at their home.  Tracey kept the coffee going and made a good hot meal that afternoon.  We sat around the fire that night and watched several John Wayne movies.  It was so enjoyable. We were so thankful for her hospitality.

Daughter's Peggy and Tammy were without power for several days, they both have big generators and were able to maintain through it all.  Each of them had their children and grands staying with them.

We survived the big artic blast of 2021.  My heart is sad that so many didn't survive.  Out state wasn't prepared for an event like this.  Part of me is very upset about it, but then I think, who would have thought this would happen in Texas.

It's not unusual for the Texas Panhandle and northern parts of the state to have severe winters, our energy systems are capable of handling that area, but the whole state, the generators just couldn't keep up with the demand.  

I'm not going to get into the political aspects of what happened, I just hope the 'powers that be' will sit up and take notice and be better prepared in the future.

It's obvious things are changing, we need to pay attention.

I have plans to visit everyone's blog today and tomorrow, I have a lot of catching up to do.

BTW, if you see a milk trunk or a milk cow would you send them our way!!  :)

Until Next Time


  1. So glad you and Mr. D are okay, but oh what an ordeal! Is there powdered milk to be found, by chance? I remember being so poor when my son was little, we'd buy that and mix it with the whole milk. Stay safe!

  2. That must have been terribel for you, and the many others who are without power. What a good thing that you could charge the oxygen via the car.Take care.

  3. You were blessed. When it does get cold in south Texas, y'all do it up big! I remember when we lived in the Houston area back in 1989 it got so cold our pipes sprung a leak, but we were home to catch it. The neighborhood wasn't as lucky. Some had gone away for Christmas and we could see the water running from under the garage doors down the driveways into he streets. It was awful. So many of the houses have their water heaters in the attic and when they go they do so much damage. Spring time will be here soon. PTL

  4. So glad you could go to your daughter's house! One good thing about Texas-when it finally warms up here, it really does it fast! Up close to 60 here around DFW and the sun is shining! Hopefully this storm is not going to become the norm for winters in Texas!

  5. I'm so glad that you found ways to cope with the power failure. Hopefully this extreme cold will not happen again for a very long time. Stay safe and well.

  6. I'm so glad you had somewhere to go and you have a wonderful and blessed attitude about it all. I have a friend just south of Portland, Orgeon who lot her power LAST Friday morning and they still have no heat or power eight days later. With the storms everywhere else, that hasn't been on the news at all. She went and just sat at the mall food court today for hours and read a book because the mall had power for some reason and was warm. It's been in the 30's and 40's in her house all week.
    So many are suffering this year. It really makes you wonder about it all.

    1. I am so sorry your friend is having to endure such cold temps. It does make me wonder why the mall would have power and the residents do not. It was the same here, the news showed a picture of downtown Houston with all the lights on, while surrounding neighborhoods were without. Hope power is restored to ALL very soon.


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