Sunday, February 21, 2021

Sunday Stealing

Welcome to Sunday Stealing hosted by Bev Sykes!

In the past year have you–

1. Gone without a bra.

2. Skipped making your bed.
Yes, but that's very unusual.

3. Ordered groceries to be delivered
Yes, it's so nice!

4. Cooked a real meal
Yes, don't do that often these days.

5. Spent the day in pajamas?
Yes, I do that a lot!

6. Skipped shaving your legs
Yes, when you have covid pneumonia shaving your legs is the least of your worries!

7. Spent hours on Instagram or Pinterest
No, I visit Pinterest sometimes, I don't do Instagram.

8. Eaten in a restaurant
Yes, it was so good.

9. Skipped washing your hair.
Yes, once again, covid pneumonia was ugly.

10. Not folded the laundry
No, we fold our laundry as soon as the dryer stops.  Sometimes, if I get busy with other things I'll let towels wait.

11. Worked a puzzle
Yes, I've worked several and getting ready to start another.

12. Had Zoom calls

13. Written letters.
 I've sent note cards with short messages, does that count?

14. Binge watched a TV show

15.Gone barefoot
When at home, you'll always find me barefoot, just the way I roll.   If it's very, very cold I will wear socks and I do have house shoes, somewhere.

Until Next Time


  1. Hi Mary:
    Are you over the covid pnemonia?
    #10, that's me too.
    Have a great day.

    1. I'm doing very well Gloria, thank you for asking. I'm still having some 'after issues' but nothing too severe. I've gained most of my strength back and I'm so thankful. Sure hope you stay well.

  2. I enjoyed reading your answers!! Covid Pneumonia....that’s awful and I hope you are recovering well!
    Thank you for your visit to me! I’ll be following g you here now!

  3. I am so happy you are doing so much better! It's been a difficult year for so many, and I know it has been hard for you, but praise God! He brought you through this and set you on safer, higher ground. So very thankful. I'd say you've done very well with all of the above questions, etc. I think I can pretty much agree with most of your answers. Except I don't go barefoot. I have back issues which are made worse by going barefoot, so I always have on socks and comfy house shoes with some arch support (Skechers). When I was a little girl I went barefoot all the time, inside and outside. My feet were tough as nails...but now I am pretty much a tenderfoot! LOL. Have a blessed and beautiful day. I hope it is warmer now.

  4. It's good to know you're feeling much better.
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't 'do' Instagram. nor Zoom.

  5. I tried I really look like that???lol I may never use it again I was so

  6. I think I could answer yes to almost all of those questions. lol I haven't tried Zoom and I've only sent cards, no letters, we order groceries and pick them up - no delivery to the house. I enjoyed reading your answers. Have a great day. Glad you are feeling better.

  7. Fun to read. I love going barefooted and still do. Glad you are healing up from that awful stuff. Blessings to you!


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