Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Whatever Wednesday

 Tammy came for a visit today, I always enjoy her visits.  It was so nice to sit around the kitchen table and just talk about first one thing and another.  Mr D joined us, he doesn't say too much, I think he just enjoys listening to us chatter.

After she left Mr D made a pot of coffee and we took our mugs to the porch.  It was a pleasant afternoon, not much cold weather here yet.  The weather has been so mild the azaleas and hibiscus are still blooming.  We enjoyed our coffee and let the dogbabies play for a while before going in.

Life is good.

Thank You Lord.



  1. I'm so glad you had a wonderful visit and day!

  2. Sounds like a delightful day! So nice your daughter is close enough to come for visits! That is a blessing! Also glad you were able to sit out on the porch for a while. It has been quite warm here as well...too warm for December, but we are used to this in Florida. I am ready for some colder weather, however. My azaleas are blooming too! Crazy!! Your table looks so petty and welcoming! I am happy you had such a nice day. (((hugs)))


  3. What a perfect day. Your home is so warm and inviting. I love when you post photos like these.

  4. Life is good, indeed!! Loved this post, Mary! xo

  5. A quiet and peaceful day. I'm sure your visit with your daughter was a high-light.

  6. That teacup is pretty! We have had cool weather here in So Ca. Low 60's is cold. But I like it better than hot weather!


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