Monday, January 9, 2023

Monday's Coffee Talk

 Nothing like a hot cup of coffee (or hot tea) while sitting at the kitchen table, talking with friends.

Coffee Trivia

The first webcam watched a coffee pot.  When somebody brewed coffee in the computer lab
at the University of Cambridge in the early 1990s, the coffee went fast. So fast, in fact, that they decided to set up a camera. This allowed people whose desks were far from the machine to watch it on their computers and get there in time for a fresh cup.

(These people must have been true coffee hounds!)

People bathe in coffee at a Japanese spa.  Hakone Kowakien Yunessun Spa and Resort in   Japan has a pool of coffee that guests can bathe in.

(I really enjoy my coffee, but swimming in it . . . nah, I don't think so.)

A coffee bean isn’t a bean, it’s the pit of a fruit. Coffee beans are actually seeds, which come from the inside of a fruit very similar to a cherry.

(A fruit?!  Can't be all bad!!)

Around Town

Our used to be little town is getting a face lift.  Pretty new sound barrier fences are going up around all the subdivisions in our area.

I like the fences, makes everything neat and clean.  Since the Port of Houston came to
La Porte we have many warehouses, they take so much from the beauty around us.  I really don't like them, but looks like they're here to stay. 😕

Around the House

I am so excited!!  My little bitty Christmas Cactus has a little bitty bloom!

Look close, I used some arrows so you wouldn't miss it.   This is the little cactus Tammy gave me before Christmas.  I really didn't think it would bloom so quick.

Family News

Attention all popsicle lovers. 

Hazel Kay knows how to eat popsicles in the cold of winter.

Where there's a will, there's a way.
My little grand dogbaby Sophie looking on from the couch.  She's such a good girl.

A Facebook Favorite

Picture from Facebook

I love the charm of this country style bedroom.  Notice the black gas heater, I have one almost like it.  At one time it was in the living room with a string of lights inside, it gave it the appearance of being real. I might just bring it back.

Enough Coffee talk for today.  I hope you have a great Monday.

BTW, those of you who are on facebook and like the tiered trays, you might like this new page I found.
Tiered Tray Decorating & More

Until Next Time


  1. My kids would probably want to bathe in coffee :) We call them coffee snobs. We took all of them on a vacation to Nashville last year and it seemed that all we did was track down all the coffee shops. They love to go to Houston to some of the coffee shops there. I can't remember the names of them. I've always loved coffee too, as long as I have cream and sugar.

  2. I enjoyed this post so much Mary. It's so newsy and sweet. I'm not a coffee drinker at all. I've tried it so many times but just don't care for it. I do like tea once in a great while. I love the smell of brewing coffee though. Especially when you open a new can of coffee. It smells amazing.
    Have a wonderful day!

    1. Blessings right back to you Betsy! Hope your day is wonderful too.

  3. Your granddaughter is a real cutie!

    1. Thank you Cathy, she brings a lot of joy to this old lady. :)

  4. Haha.. Hazel has it down to a science. I am in love with the red truck planter. It's just my speed. Having my coffee but not enjoying it today. Not sure what went wrong. I need to go back to cowboy coffee using egg shells. Perfect every time.

    1. That truck was a Christmas gift from Dean's brother years ago. I love it too. You need to let me know how to make coffee with egg shells. I've heard of it forever and I just never learned how! Egg shells in the filter with the coffee grounds before brewing?????

  5. Hope you enjoyed that first cup, it's always the best!

  6. Here in the Fort Worth area, we are getting so many huge warehouses-many of them right next to new homes and subdivisions. No fences to hide anything either. Every time we drive over to our daughter's, another one seems to have popped up!

  7. Sound barrier fences are a great idea. We live in such a noisy world with lawn mowers running ( well, not at this time of the year, thankfully), cars honking, motorbikes revving it up...
    About the egg shells....apparently if you crumble egg shells into the filter as your coffee brews it cuts the bitterness. My own trick is to add one rounded scoop of flavoured grounds to the decaf grounds we use. Since I love my coffee and take it black, no sugar, it makes a big difference. My DH takes flavoured creamer in his cup so it's not a big a deal if the coffee is too strong.
    My Goodness. I do go on and on. Granny Marigold

    1. Thanks for sharing about the egg shells, I'm certainly going to give it a try!!

  8. Not a coffee drinker but do enjoy a cup of tea once in a while.
    I got a small Christmas cactus just before Christmas too!! :) Hopefully by next year both of ours will be doing great.

  9. Coffee is magic! I've no interest in travelling to Japan, but a coffee bath sounds enormously intriguing. Your cutie Hazel cracks me up; loved the video you shared on FB this morning.

  10. I don't want to swim in coffee either. Good grief! Interesting tid-bits about coffee "beans". Thanks for a fun post!! xo


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