Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Tuesday 4

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 in the new year, hosted by Annie!  Thank you Annie!

Let's talk about January.

1. January 1, 1892 Ellis Island opened it's doors. Did any of your relations enter the United States through Ellis Island? If not, do you know your family's history?

My grandfathers came to America from Ireland in the 1600's.  To my knowledge, none of my family entered the states by way of Ellis Island.

2. Januray's birth stone is garnet and the flower is the carnation. Do you have favorite gem stones or flowers?

I think all the monthly gem stones are pretty.  Mine is the Amethyst so I guess I'll make that one my favorite.  I love flowers, too hard to pick a favorite.  They're all pretty.

3. January 6 is Epiphany. Many take that day as the final day of the Christmas celebration and take down their decor. What about you?

No, I don't wait for Epiphany to take down my Christmas decorations.  I do understand why many do.

4. There is some evidence that January can set the tone for your entire year.

No, I don't believe that.  I'm a firm believer that everyday is a new day, given by God.  We have a choice of attitude as to how we accept things in life, whether they are good or bad.

What do you think of this? Do you make resolutions, etc?

I don't make resolutions, I just try to make everyday a good day.

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Until Next Time


  1. Yup.. your answer to number 4 is so true. Nothing and no one but God determines what happens in the end and we can make choices, good or bad. Happy Tuesday my friend.

  2. The amethyst is such a beautiful coloured stone. I enjoyed reading all your answers. A very Happy New Year 2023 to you Mary!

  3. I agree with number 4 too. God is the author of life and will guide our footsteps if we let. Amethyst is also my birthstone. February 1! It's my favortite stone too. I love all springy flowers but not gladiola's.
    Blessings and hugs,

  4. Amethysts are so pretty. My gem is Peridot (for August) and I must admit I'm not fond of the greenish-yellow.
    Granny Marigold

  5. I love your response to #4, Mary! Sometimes we just need to let go of our preconceptions and let God take the reins.

  6. No resolutions here, either, and we answered #4 about the same. Wishing you a happy new year!! xo

  7. I love all flowers too. They are so beautiful. Loved your answers! Have a nice week. ♥


  8. Oh, I think the amethyst is so pretty! Next to the sapphire I think I would like it best! I guess I misunderstood the question on #4. I don't do resolutions,, but I do think it's a good idea to think about life and goals at the beginning of the year and pray about ways to improve our situation if we can. Certainly we should and can do that anytime, but it seems as though January is a good time for reflection and direction. And definitely, God is the author of our lives...He will direct our paths when we yield our hearts and lives to Him. That is the most important "goal" or resolution of all! Have a blessed and beautiful week.

  9. I'm with you! God determines each day and every day can be a fresh start :) The amethyst is beautiful! Mine is Opal. I don't do resolutions, although I will challenge myself to start some new habits, such as washing my face every night instead of wearing my make up to bed. I'm also challenging myself to give up frozen coffee drinks for January. We'll see how this goes! Have a beautiful day!

  10. I enjoyed your answers. I think my favorite flower is a morning glory.

  11. I enjoyed your answers this week. HEading to take my decor down now.


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