Saturday, June 10, 2023


 I've become a nester.

Lately I've been sitting at the kitchen window every morning because I really enjoy the big window there, I enjoy watching the morning activities.  No, I'm not nosy 😊, I just enjoy seeing life around me.

It's so nice each morning to see the morning sun shining and the pretty roses that grow just outside the window.  I even enjoy the rainy mornings when they come.

I do have an office space where I normally do my journaling, Bible studies, coloring and whatever else catches my attention, it just doesn't have a nice big window.

No doubt about it, it's a nest.

Bitsy has a new nest too, right beside me.  If you look hard you'll see her little butt sticking out from her blankie.

She'll lay there and sleep all morning.

I color and I read . . .

This Billy Graham book is so good.  What a great man of God he was, he must be walking the streets of God with Paul himself.

Someday our life's journey will be over.  In a sense we all are nearing home.  As we do so, I pray that you and I may not only learn what it means to grow older but, with God's help, also learn to grow older with grace and find the guidance needed to finish well.

. . . And I journal.

Our oldest daughter, Tracey and her hubby, Scott have purchased a new home in League City.  I sure hated to see them leave La Porte but League City is not too far, it's only about 30 minutes depending on the traffic.  When we downsized, we opted for smaller and cozy, they have opted for big and beautiful.  Mr D, Russ and I rode with Tammy to go for a visit, it's a gorgeous home, I'm so happy for them.  Sorry to say I didn't even think to take a picture. 

We're off today to celebrate Adalyn's second birthday. 
 It always amazes me how fast these babies grow.

AND, it's Mr D's birthday.  After the party we're going to a place of his choice to eat.

Blessings to All,
Until Next Time


  1. What a sweet nest you have for yourself. I enjoyed seeing where so many relaxing, inspiring and hopeful moments are spent. Bitsys little butt is so cute. Our Zoey does the same thing.
    Happy Birthday to Mr. D! I'm thrilled with our downsizing choice. It's very comfortable for us and I think we'll be happy.

  2. I like your cozy nest! We will eventually downsize as our current home has two stories and climbing stairs is beginning to get a little bit painful. We will probably move into one of the downstairs bedrooms first, though. We really love our home and would like to stay here for a few more years. Happy Birthday to Mr. D!

  3. Happy birthday to your Mr. D!! Adalyn is adorable and happy birthday to her, as well! Keep us posted on your kids' move and take a photo next time! I have a 'nest' as well, beside my recliner in the living room. Not ideal when someone comes to visit but it is what it is. This is my spot! Have a blessed Sunday!

  4. That's what I need! A little nesting spot, where it is quiet and all mine. And not in my bedroom! I hate the little space I have because it takes up a lot of real estate in my tine bedroom.'ve made me start looking around for a "Nest". Such a precious little girl you have there! Grands are the absolute best but yes they do grow up too fast! Happy birthday to your hubby!

    Grace & Peace,

  5. Happy Birthday to Mr D.
    Yes, the little ones do grow up so fast.

  6. Happy Birthday to Mr. D and also to little Adalyn ❤
    I like to sit and look outside, see what the neighbours are doing , even just watch traffic. I don't call that nosy at all. Granny M

  7. My desk is by the bay window in our playroom...I love a window!
    Happy birthday to Mr D and little Adalyn (pretty old name! Love it).

  8. Happy Birthday Mr. D!!!! Wishing for a lovely day...and Happy Birthday to Ms. Adalyn. smiles

  9. Sweet! I'd love a nest of my own, but that would mean a major apple basket turnover. No, I'll be content to gaze at the monitor in front of me -- including all of y'all's vistas. Happy Birthday to Mr. D and cutie-patootie Adalyn!

    PS - Your handwriting is lovely!

  10. I love my nesting places too! Your granddaughter is so darling Miss Mary. Hugs and blessings, Cindy


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