Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Wednesday Wisdom

For those who joined in Tuesday 4 yesterday, Pamela from Closed Doors, Open Windows ask if we had Dark Academia homes in Texas!  Well, Pam, this is as close as it comes! lol
Waxahachie, Texas

Blessings to All
Until Next Time

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; 
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
 Praise Him above, ye heav'nly host;
 Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Blessings to All
Until Next Time



  1. Trust and obey!
    That's sure an interesting home. Too large for me, but I'd love to look around inside!

  2. Well, thank you, Mary, for the "shout out" and for the information! That is a lovely home and I bet someone enjoyed living there for sure! It's beautiful even if it does have a lot of windows to wash! LOL. Very nice indeed. Thank you for sharing it with us. I hope you are having a lovely day!

  3. Wow!! That is quite a mansion!! I love the Doxology and remember singing it in church when I was in elementary school. Good memories! xo

    1. Love the Doxology too, it's a wonderful praise to God.☺♥

  4. That's a beautiful home that I would have loved to have when I was younger. Now though, I definitely wouldn't want to clean something that big and we're not rich enough to be able to afford having someone do it for me.

    When I was a child we used to sing the Doxology every week before leaving church. It's been years though. I wonder why we have stopped doing that.

    1. I love the Doxology, I sing it in my mind often. I wouldn't want a home that big either, our little bungalow is enough for us! Have a great day.☺♥


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