Wednesday, January 22, 2025

 The snow is still on the ground this morning and the roads are icy, but all should be gone by the end of the day.  It was pretty to see, still, I'm glad to see it go.

I'm at loose ends today, I might just work on my diamond art and watch the snow melt.

And time goes on!

Because snow is so rare here many children have made some fun memories.

Merica building a snowman!

Wednesday Wisdom

Blessings to All

Until Next Time


  1. My nieces and nephews that live in your area had so much fun yesterday!

    1. All the children loved it, for some it's the first snow they've ever seen. This is Merica's first snow.

  2. What's not to love about little children and snow?! Thank you for sharing your joy.

  3. Meanwhile, we have had very, very little snow here where we're supposed to have it! Although it is still cold with a north wind blowing over 20 mph!
    Love the photo of Merica enjoying the snow.
    Blessings and hugs,

  4. Snow is wonderful for kids. They can have so much fun in it. I know I sure did as a kid and even as an adult! Keep warm and safe inside.

  5. I'm sure Merica had a great time playing in the snow and making memories💗

  6. Kids always love the snow. Me, not so much!! Glad we don't have any and hoping we never do! Stay in and stay warm over there!! xo

    1. La Porte has the most in the area with 6inches. It is pretty to look at but oh the havoc it causes. We've stayed in, warm and cozy but it's time to be able to get out and about. I think we have cabin fever☺ Hope you're enjoying a great day. Sending you ((hugs)) across the miles.♥

  7. Merica is so cute playing in the snow.

  8. I know you will be glad to see the snow/ice melt but it takes so long, especially if there is any shade. We even had ice on the streets here yesterday from people letting water run! I haven’t heard from my family in your area, guess I need to check on them and make sure nobody has fallen and can’t get up! We HAVE reached that age now! Have a wonderful day — stay warm and dry!

    1. Snow is almost gone, just a few drifts here and there, expecting it all to be gone sometimes today. We've stayed warm and cozy in our little bungalow by the bay. Hope all your family is well. ☺♥


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