Monday, August 10, 2015

Summer Days

Summer days are getting long, hot and kinda boring!  Mr D and I still get out and ride around, always checking out what's going on around us.  Lot's of changes over the years, 'they' call it progress...I guess that's a good thing, although Mr D and I don't always think the changes are good changes.
There's a beautiful new home on the other side of this pretty new fence.
Lots of palm trees in our area, we have a lot of oak trees too.
We love living by the bay. 
 Mr D has spent many hours out there on the water, fishing and enjoying life.  He loves to fish and has brought home enough for supper many times.
 And the days keep going by....
Soon, but not soon enough for me....
Fall will be here!
Now that I speak in regard to need for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.
(emphasis mine)
Philippians 4:11
Until Next Time


  1. Yes, things do change Mary, I guess that's a good thing, if things always stayed the same it would get boring. Learning to be content also!
    Have a great day,

  2. Sigh, brother in law once said, "You have to get into the 21st century, Linda or you'll get left behind." Change could be good, it just depends. Pretty photos, thank you for sharing...Have a beautiful Monday, my friend.

  3. I'm wishing for fall, least some cooler temps. Love all the pictures....HOPE you're having a great Monday.

  4. What a lovely view of the bay. I grew up in a family that liked to fish...everyone except me! Sure do like to help eat the catch, though! And that meant I had to help clean them, since I didn't catch them. Changes... I agree that they aren't all good. I am thankful for modern conveniences, though! :)


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