Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Tea With Patsy

I enjoy Patsy Clairmont, she is so sweet and so funny!  Can't think of a better way to share Coffee in a Teacup than with Patsy!  Of course she drinks tea in her teacup, not coffee like me!

Her book, "Tea with Patsy Clairmont," is a sweet read.  Pictures of pretty teapots and teacups fill the pages along with great stories and scriptures.

Tea and Thee

Graceful china cup
Sterling silver spoon
Devotions set apart
My heart to His attune.

Time in His presence
Sips of English tea
Moments to remember
His great love for me.

Until Next Time

Steeped in His Word
Infused with His love
Sweetened by His Spirit
Stirred from above.


  1. I love your posts....they're short and sweet and to the point and full of wisdom. Ms. Patsy is adorable!!! HOPE you have a great day, my Friend. We're going to go see God's Not Dead 2 today!

  2. I agree with everything Debbie said! You always lift me up with your posts!

  3. I'm a coffee drinker, too, but a sucker for tea pots and cups. I like lately, too.

  4. you are a beautiful encourager, thank you.

  5. I just love this quote: Steeped in His Word
    Infused with His love Sweetened by His Spirit Stirred from above." Thank you for sharing a beautiful post today Mary, always a joy to visit here with you!

  6. I saw her once I believe, at the Women of Faith when they were in Atlanta. I love the poem and would love to get her book.

  7. I too like Patsy a lot. And I love my coffee better than anything but oh do I love me a cup of hot tea in a pretty china cup. LOL! Great post today Miss Mary. Hugs and blessings, Cindy


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