Friday, May 13, 2016

Friday Foto Friends

These are 2 big pieces of aqua colored glass, it's actually waste glass that was beside the road in Arkansas. When my sister-in-love was on vacation she picked some up to bring home.  Somewhere along the way I've managed to drop the one she gave me, and one became two!  They look so pretty in the flower beds or on the patio, especially when the sun shines through them.

I fell in love with this Hibiscus tree, so I brought it home with me!

I love hibiscus!

Our old flower bed has been re-done!  I'll be  glad when the plants get bigger and fuller and it needs some color.  Something I'll be working on in the days to come.  I think Mr D needs to level the birdbath before it falls through the window!!

Linking with Deb at Breathing in Grace

I love this from The Circle Maker:
Sometimes the power of prayer is the power to carry on.  It doesn't always change your circumstances, but it gives you the strength to walk through them.  When you pray through, the burden is taken off of your shoulders and put on the shoulders of Him who carried the cross to Calvary.

Until Next Time
((hugs)) and Blessings!


  1. Love what you shared...yes, Mr. D. needs to fix the birdbath---I only wonder if the birds notice {{{giggling--silly me}}}.

    Have a beautiful weekend, friend.

  2. Great photos and that last bit of advice is the best! Turn the burden over to Him!! Amen!

  3. Beautiful glass. I like glass and translucent stones like quartz. They do sparkle so. Your red plant looks beautiful too. Happy Friday. x

  4. Love that glass....but, what is waste glass? Mom had hibiscus when I was a little girl...I haven't thought about that in years. Thanks for being so faithful to link up with me each Friday, sweet Friend. HOPE you have a great weekend.

  5. Stunning photos!

    Why on Earth would someone throw away that glass? It's beautiful!

  6. Lovely glass. Your garden is looking lovely. Yes, I think the bird bath needs some attention.

  7. I wish I could find some of that glass. I imagine it would be pretty sitting on a sunny window sill!

    Grace & Peace

  8. Like the glass, never heard of waste glass.It's pretty.Love the Hibiscus.
    Yep we all agree that the birds should have a level bath and it should not go through the window..Have a good weekend,my friend.


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