Monday, May 16, 2016

Monday Morning Coffee Chat

Monday Morning and it's coffee time.
This morning I'm having coffee from my Bluebell Ice Cream Mug.  We love Bluebell ice cream in this part of the world and a few weeks ago I visited their creamery with the GLOW ladies!  It was a such a fun trip and the mug is bringing back some great memories.

I don't know how many of you are familiar with the wonderful Christian comic, Chonda Pierce.  She is a wonderful entertainer and I had the pleasure of seeing her in person last fall.  She has a movie that's recently been released ~ Laughing in the Dark ~ a documentary of her life.  It is a great movie that touched my heart, what a journey this sweet Sister in Christ has had.  If you ever have opportunity to see it, it will certainly touch your heart.

Ava and Emma enjoying the pool with old their older cousins.
We had a belated Mother's Day celebration Saturday.  It's always great when the family comes together.  Lots of food and laughter.  It was warm enough to get in the pool and Ava and Emma loved every minute.  It's always great to be with all my grandchildren, Mr D and I are so blessed.

This week's facebook picture is from Connie Sue's Safe Haven ~

 The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.
John 6:8

Just so ya know, Mr D straightened the leaning birdbath. 

I can rest easy now!!

When we pray,
God hears more than we say,
He answers more than we ask,
He gives more than we imagine,
but in His own time,
in His own way,


  1. That birdbath was a disaster waiting to happen! So glad your dear Mr.D took care of it!! I will watch for that movie and thanks for mentioning it to us! Looks like the pool was a hit for the kids!! Wishing you a wonderful week!

  2. LOL! Glad Mr. D got your bird bath straight! Have not seen that movie yet! But I want too. I've heard it was good. I know you enjoyed your sweet family too! Nothing like em! Hugs and blessings to you today! Cindy

  3. Having coffee with you right now! In a NASA mug. (It makes me feel brainy!)

    I am going to look up Chonda Pierce online now. I haven't heard of her before!

  4. Our Ladies Ministry at church is considering showing that movie...hoping they do.

  5. I love Chonda Pierce. Thanks for sharing about her movie. I am relieved with you about the crooked bird bath! Your husband did a good job.

  6. I have seen Chonda Pierce in person...I am so happy to learn Mr. D has fixed the birdbath---I was afraid I would have to make a special trip to Texas to fix it, giggling.

  7. I love Chonda Pierce, she is so funny!
    Sure glad that birdbath got straighten.

  8. I think we are all relieved that the birdbath is safe!

  9. I have never heard of Chonda

    I have never heard of Chonda Pierce. I will have to look her up. Loved your last quote.


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