Monday, February 6, 2017

Monday Morning Coffee Chat

Let's Talk About Great-Granddaughters!

We enjoyed a wonderful Saturday afternoon with the family, it's my favorite thing to do!

Miss Ava was celebrating her 8th birthday!  Time passes so quickly, wasn't it yesterday that she was just a  little toddler?!
Ava is our great-granddaughterShe is a little sweetheart.

It was so sweet to watch her read her cards without much help from Momma!

How quick the years go by when we find joys we think will never pass. Although they do, we happily accept the new ones we amass.

Best friends stayed over for a slumber party.  Look at Ava on the end, she looks like she's going to put the whole piece of pizza in her mouth.  She's having fun and making memories.

This is Maddie taking a selfie with the chickens!  Silly girl.  What is it with 15 year olds and selfies?  lol...Maddie is my oldest great grandchild, she's wonderful ~ I can say that because I'm her Granny.

This is great-granddaughter Emma! Miss Personality!

Today's Quote:
"With your own children, you love them immediately ~
and with grandchildren, it's exactly the same."
Kevin Whately

Today's Thoughts:
Grandchildren are the best part of getting old.

A grandchild's hug lasts long after they let go.

Today's Scripture:
“Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers.”
Proverbs 17:6

Solomon, who possibly by this time had grandchildren of his own, wrote that children are like a crown to the grandparents and the glory of their parents, or in other words, they are very proud of them and most precious in their sight. For grandparents, it’s like having their own children all over again but without all the responsibility and grandparents play a key role in their grandchildren’s lives.


  1. What a lovely post, Mary. Your great granddaughters are beautiful. I know they bring you much joy. We certainly enjoy our grandchildren!

  2. Oh Miss Mary, what precious grands! Happy Birthday to your girl! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  3. I don't have any great-grandchildren yet, but I do have 6 precious grandchildren, so I know how you're feeling, Mary. They don't stay toddlers long, do they! They fill your heart with so much LOVE!
    Enjoy every minute1

  4. You are very blessed with lovely great granddaughters. I enjoyed the photos so much.

  5. Grandchildren are just the best, and I bet great grands are as well. Yours are so pretty and I know you enjoy being with them. They grow up so fast, so we need to spend time while we can.

  6. Awww, such precious great-grandgirls!! You truly are blessed. I completely our grand-kiddos to pieces, but am very glad I don't have the total responsibility of raising them to adulthood. Mercy, I'm way too old to start over...after all, my name isn't Sarah!!! LOL Your girls are beautiful...just like you, my Friend. And, how can you even be old enough to have a 15 year old great? Impossible!!

  7. How sweet they all are! Mine range from 14 to 28, and they are every bit as special as they were when they were babes!

  8. I can imagine that a slumber party with a bunch of giggly girls was a blast! They are all so beautiful. Yes, I agree with the selfies. LOL Have a wonderful week and Happy Birthday to Ava!

  9. Such lovely great granddaughters. Somehow I don't think I'll live to see that generation but I do enjoy my grandkids the youngest turns 8 this year.

  10. Your great granddaughters are lovely Mary. I have 4 great grandsons ranging in ages 14 down to 3 and miss watching them grow up as they live in Austin Texas and I'm here in NY. Thank goodness for Facebook where I get to see the photos my granddaughter posts of them. Have a blessed evening my friend.

  11. Your great grandchildren are adorable.

  12. Such beautiful great granddaughters! Wow! Amazing! I have ONE grandson, age 17. Don't know if I'll ever get any more now hope for the great-grands...someday, but not TOO soon! Our Noah will be here next weekend from Maine. We can't wait to see him. (the 17th). You are truly blessed. Thank you for sharing this blessing with us!!

  13. Your grandchildren are adorable. I've been a grandma for just 4 1/2 months and I absolutely love it!!


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