Friday, July 14, 2017

Stormy Weather

Mr D and I went out to see the storm clouds rolling in....the wind was blowing and we could smell rain in the air.
Sylvan Beach from the back side....that's the back of the bait house, lots of fisherman in my part of the world.  Some go out in boats and others fish from the pier.

I love to look at the clouds above
They tell a story, don't you think?
Sometimes they are white and puffy
But can change within a blink

St. Mary's Catholic Church is across the street from Sylvan Beach.  It's a beautiful church, wish the trees weren't hiding the front entrance.

The wind picks up and blows in
Clouds so dark and bold
They almost take your breath away
Unlike the weather channel told

I've shared this view before when the sun was shining and the blue sky was full of white puffy clouds.  Looks a little dreary today.

But nevertheless they are interesting
The rain may come pouring down
Get your umbrella ready in case
The weather may change in your town!

Marilyn Lott

When we were on our way home I spotted the new cross from several blocks away.  It was beautiful against the dark sky.  This is the new building of the First Assembly of God, it's going to be so pretty and I'm happy for my friends that are member there.  My first thought when I saw the cross was the church isn't even completed and it's already bringing glory to God.  đź’—đź’—đź’—

Another Friday and another Friday Foto Friends!!

Linking with Deb at Breathing In Grace

Wind and Wave Obey Jesus

Matthew 8:23-27
Now when He got into a boat, His disciples followed Him. And suddenly a great tempest arose on the sea, so that the boat was covered with the waves. But He was asleep. Then His disciples came to Him and awoke Him, saying, “Lord, save us! We are perishing!”

But He said to them, “Why are you fearful, O you of little faith?” Then He arose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm. So the men marveled, saying, “Who can this be, that even the winds and the sea obey Him?”

Until Next Time
Live Life Joyously



  1. There are some really moody skies here, Mary. Have a good weekend :)


  2. That is going to be a very lovely church. Crosses are so inspiring to me. We have one on the side of Monte Sano Mountain in Huntsville and I always look for it when I am in that area.

  3. Very pretty photos, Mary. I hope you will enjoy the weekend.

  4. Love the cross ➕ against the sky, too... what a magnificent church ⛪ that's going to be! Cute poem.. so true about the weather people not getting it right... it's up to God! 💜 Thanks for sharing and linking up! Hope you have a great weekend!

  5. We have been having rain here just every day. Your photo's are good this week, Mary.
    Have a nice weekend.

  6. I just love looking at clouds, even storm clouds. Great photos, Mary. Have a great Friday, friend.

  7. Love the winds and waves and clouds...and churches...that cross! God is every-where present in the midst of it all...storms and sunshine...He is always with us...we need not fear!!

  8. Your first photos of the sky and winds grabbed me. I love to try and capture storm clouds. All the other photos were also lovely.

  9. I really like storm photos!
    The sky is so beautiful during storms.
    We had high winds and rain yesterday and again today here.
    Hope you are having a lovely Friday.

  10. You took some very nice photos but then I am fond of cloud pictures. The only kind I don't like are the solid gray ones that sit there looking gloomy for days on end in winter!

  11. I love photos of storm clouds, fluffy clouds, rolling clouds, shaped clouds! Lol. Your pics are good. I wish we would have some rain. We could use it.

  12. What great cloud photos Mary, especially the one with the church. Cloud and storm photos are favorite of mine. Wonderful!


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