I had every intention of posting a "Monday Morning Coffee Chat" last Monday, but we had a terrible visitor named Harvey that got in my way!! This was the post I had ready, I've had to do a little editing....
Yep, Harvey joined me for coffee!!
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What a mighty God we serve ♬
Yep, Harvey joined me for coffee!!
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What a mighty God we serve ♬
Angels bow before Him
♪ Heaven and earth adore Him
What a mighty God we serve ♫
Family News:
We are still waiting for a baby!!! Maegan hasn't delivered yet, we've been thinking any day for almost 2 weeks. The baby is down and in position and Maeg has dialated to 1cm...but still we wait. The doctor ask her if she wanted to induce but Maegan wants the baby to come when it's ready. I think the doctor might insist if she doesn't have the baby before her next appointment. We have been so concerned she would go into labor during Hurricane Harvey, her Mom put the local paramedics on stand by!
Still no baby, so glad she waited until Harvey waved goodby.....she can come now!!!
waiting, waiting, waiting
By the way, she was supposed to be born at St. Joseph's Hospital, downtown Houston. That probably won't happen because so many streets/freeways are still under water. Under these circumstances Maegan will go to a hospital closer to us that is accessible.
Still no baby, so glad she waited until Harvey waved goodby.....she can come now!!!
waiting, waiting, waiting
By the way, she was supposed to be born at St. Joseph's Hospital, downtown Houston. That probably won't happen because so many streets/freeways are still under water. Under these circumstances Maegan will go to a hospital closer to us that is accessible.
Around Town:
Preparing for Hurricane Harvey
I will never understand it.....55 inches of rain in our immediate area, Mr D and I stayed safe and dry. My family stayed safe and dry. I know we were blessed, it's just hard to wrap my mind around it...I know there are so many people that have lost everything that are blessed by God. I guess it's just we are all on different journeys and this time it wasn't my turn.
Thankful beyond measure.
The devastation of this storm is overwhelming, my heart hurts for so many who have lost their homes, their cars, and all their possessions.
I will never understand it.....55 inches of rain in our immediate area, Mr D and I stayed safe and dry. My family stayed safe and dry. I know we were blessed, it's just hard to wrap my mind around it...I know there are so many people that have lost everything that are blessed by God. I guess it's just we are all on different journeys and this time it wasn't my turn.
Thankful beyond measure.
The devastation of this storm is overwhelming, my heart hurts for so many who have lost their homes, their cars, and all their possessions.
Quote of the Week:
The Word of God is like a lion. You don't have to defend a lion, all you have to do is let the lion loose, and the lion will defend itself.
Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon
Something New:
I have a lot of leg and ankle aches, just old age I guess. Yes, I am of an older generation!! I was told that a lotion with mint would be very soothing and might help the aching. My good friend's daughter sells Mary Kay Products and she told me about this lotion. . .
Mint Bliss Energizing Lotion for Feet and Legs
It is awesome, it really does help. The lotion is creamy and the mint is so soothing, plus it smells good!
This Weeks Bible Verse:
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you.
Isaiah 43:2a
This Weeks Bible Verse:
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you.
Isaiah 43:2a

I want to thank all of you for your prayers and sweet comments during the loss of my Sweet MIL and during the storm that has ravaged our area. They mean so much to me during these difficult times
Our first severe rain band came through Saturday morning. I slept very little that night, checking outside periodically to see how high the water was rising. By 4am I really thought we would get water in the house as the water was getting so close. It rained hard all that night, I can't express the relief I felt when it stopped long enough for the water to recede before it started again. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday were spent the same way, always looking outside to check on the depth of the water and the rain always letting up enough for it to drain.....and then coming again. It was so good to see a blue sky this morning.
Love the chorus of this beautiful song...
Through it all,
through it all,
I've learned to trust in Jesus,
I've learned to trust in God.
Through it all,
through it all,
I've learned to depend upon His Word.
Mary, praising God with you that you and your family are safe and sound. It was disturbing to watch on Television but to be there in the thick of things, well I cannot imagine. Hope that baby girl decides to come soon!
ReplyDeleteThank you Arlene...I ready for that baby girl to be born and so is her Mother!!!!
DeleteOne feels so awful for all those who were flooded out. We see the images on TV and it's hard to grasp the magnitude of the storm.
ReplyDeleteI;m glad you didn't have water in the house and I'm glad you have found a lotion that helps your legs and ankles.
The floods are overwhelming...God is with us!
DeleteSo glad to hear you made it through Harvey!
ReplyDelete"The Word of God is like a lion. You don't have to defend a lion, all you have to do is let the lion loose, and the lion will defend itself."
Charles Spurgeon
Thank you Sandi, I loved that quote too!!
DeleteMary, I think you, and your family, were spared because you have favor with the Lord! Praise God thru the storms and I have no doubt that's what you were doing!
ReplyDeleteGrace & Peace,
Thank you for your sweet comment, may God give you His grace and peace also.
DeleteMary, thank you so much for your cheerful and upbeat blog post during what is such an unsettling time for you! Your mother-in-law's passing, expecting the birth of a granddaughter just any time, and Harvey. Your spirit is wonderful. I will pray things continue to go well for you and yours!
ReplyDeleteThank you Barbara, your prayers are so appreciated.
DeleteOh Mary! What a relief to hear you're safe! I've been thinking of you every day since this started! Now for your city to pick up the pieces and try to move on. Hopefully this new system won't come across the same area as Harvey did.
ReplyDeleteI'm just so glad the storm has passed. Houston and surrounding areas will be years recovering. Yes, I'm watching the new system close, Lord please don't let it develop into something bad.
Delete(((Mary))) I am so happy to read this...we have been so worried about you..praise the good Lord you are ok, know we are praying for all that is affected.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait yo hear all about the impending birth...keeping you in prayer.💗, much hugs and love.
Hi Linda!!! Yes, yes, yes, praising God through it all. Thanks for your prayers, prayers are so powerful. Sending lots of hugs and love right back to ya!!
DeleteThis is such a good post...and how wonderful to hear a blow by blow (no pun intended) description of how God was with you during the storm. Still praying for you and your family...and especially for that new little baby to appear in her time. God has it all under control. I know maybe some in your area may not feel that way right now, but I believe even the ones who have lost everything (and yet are still alive) will see God's hand at work in the midst of the storms of their lives. I pray so. I pray He will draw them unto Himself and give them rest.