Friday, December 22, 2017

Old Memories, New Memories, Sweet Memories

Christmas always brings back sweet memories.  I miss my children being little  more than ever this time of year.  I've been looking at old photos, listening to Christmas music and enjoying a cup of coffee.  I lost so many pictures that was on my old computer and just haven't taken the time to scan them again, so I went shopping on my girls facebook pages.  Didn't find many but managed to find a few.

WoW, I was so young.  This picture was taken in 1967, that's Tammy and Tracey.  Precious little girls that grew into precious women.

By the time 1973 came along we had Peggy and Rusty!
Long ago and far away, yet still close in my heart.

The grands, they're all grown up too!
Christmas 2001 I think!!

This is the great grands taken this year!

Here we are in 2014!  Can you tell who's the family clown? 
Our son Rusty had us all laughing!

I've been away from blogging a lot this month and I've missed seeing all your Christmas post. I hope each of you have been enjoying this wonderful time of year.  A time for family and friends to come to gether to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

He came, He died,  He rose, He lives and He's coming again!

Linking With Deb at Breathing In Grace for

Until Next Time
Merry Christmas


  1. Mary, may you and your lovely family have a merry and blessed Christmas and New Year! Thank you for sharing your memories and photos!

    1. Thank you Carol, I wish the same for you and your family. Have a very Merry and Blessed Christmas.

  2. Oh Mary! What a very pretty young mother in that first pic! You have a lovely family and I bet you have so many wonderful Christmas memories and stories to share. Blessings and Merry Christmas.

  3. I also miss my children being little. Christmas was more fun in 'those days' and gifts were simpler too. I'm all ready for Christmas and I think you must be too. Have a blessed and very happy Christmas!

  4. I'm enjoying the season of Christmas which I've always loved for God so loved us. It's a very nice time to pause and reflect on the greatest gift we could ever have. And for some, to have time to spend with their loved ones though I know many are really alone at this of year and find it hard. I always find it good to reach out to others and not think of oneself overly much. May your great family memories sustain you through this season and give you a wonderful season of peace and joy. Have a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!

  5. I loved looking at your sweet family pics, Ms. Mary. What a blessing to have such a large family. I've been away a lot, too, it seems. I'm going to try to do better in the New Year! Thanks for linking up yesterday... see I'm behind... 😁 Hope you have a very Merry Christmas! 💜

  6. Merry Christmas Mary!! Loved seeing all your photos. You have a lovely family.

  7. So great to see your photos.
    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and I wish for you a blessed New Year.


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