Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Dust If You Must

This poem made me laugh at myself.  This was 'so me' many years ago.  I learned my lesson, but it was a long time coming.

Dusting Or Living
Poet: Julie Hebert, © 2012

There are many people, in the world today,
That would rather clean, than go out and play.
They clean just in case, someone may arrive,
Not realizing those people, are out living their lives.

So much time wasted, on cleaning your house.
Wouldn't you rather be out on the town with your spouse?
Personally I would much rather, be out and about,
Then sitting at home, cleaning with doubt.

I have a life, in need of some play.
Who cares if my house, is not spotless each day?
A house is no home, unless its been lived in.
And living comes mess, from the floor to the ceiling.

So dust if you must, but remember this saying.
Life is too short, don't go wasting a day.
Old age will find you,
And it won't be discussed.
When you go as we all do, you'll make much more dust!

We're going out to eat with family tonight,
looking forward to a great time!

Until Next Time


  1. Ha, ha. Very true Mary. I agree with you.

  2. Oh so true, so I must get out and about today so maybe the good fairy will come and clean and dust my house!
    Enjoy your day Mary,

  3. Love it but, unfortunately, with inside pets, dusting is a MUST! LoL

    Grace & Peace,

  4. Lol, what a cute poem ... and so true! Have a great day, Mary! God bless you!

  5. Hee hee! I think we'll all agree with those sentiments.

  6. Very cute poem! And I love your blog header all ready for Valentine's Day!

  7. Cute poem!
    I always like your headers as they are so pretty.

  8. That's a great poem! I heard it many years ago and had fun re-visiting it today! I know you enjoyed your dinner out with your family!!

  9. Whenever we have visitors I tell them, "You should have come yesterday. The house was clean then. We clean our house once a month whether it needs it or not."

    God bless.

  10. Very good Mary, love that poem, have a blest Valentines day

  11. Dust is the bane of my life...it just keeps coming and coming and coming. If someone could come up with a cure for dust, I'd be tickled pink!!! LOL. Love this poem...my sentiments exactly!!!


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