Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Wednesday Medley

Time for Wednesday Medley!
You can find the questions every Tuesday at Terrie's place,
Your Friend From Florida

1. October 3rd is National Boyfriend Day. Ladies, who was your first boyfriend?

First serious boyfriend was Johnny.  Thankfully that didn't last because Mr D was waiting for me.

2. Who was your first celebrity crush?

I was a grown woman before I had a serious crush on a celebrity.  I've never gotten gaga over any celebrity.....until....Magnum PI, oh my, Tom Selleck was so awesome in that role.  He sure wasn't bad to look at either.

3. What is the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?

I don't know how strange this is, but it is different. When we lived in the Canadian wilderness many years ago, we ate some black bear meat. My MoM soaked it in milk, then batter fried it like chicken fried steak. It was good, I actually like it more than I do deer meat. We really did live in the wilderness, the company my DaD worked for made a camp for the workers and their families.  We would have to drive for over an hour just to get to a grocery store.  I was a teenage at the time and I loved it, we lived on a lake in what seemed the middle on nowhere!

4. What famous artist, dead or alive, would you want to paint your portrait?

I don't know if I would want my portrait painted.  Maybe Thomas Kincade, his paintings are so pretty.

5. What Are You Most Likely To Stay Up All Night Talking About?

I could talk about the love of God all night long. 

6. The new Fall season has begun on TV. Which show are you most looking forward to seeing?
I don't watch a lot of secular television, I have seen The FBI advertised, I might see what that's all about.

Until Next Time
Blessings to All


  1. I think the strangest thing I have ever eaten was dried octupus from Japan. Rubbery and salty and it didn't interest me at all! Have a great day.

  2. Yes, Tom Selleck was very appealing in the early 1980's.

  3. I find it so interesting that you lived in the Canadian wilderness with your family when you were a teen.

  4. What 'Granny Marigold' just wrote! Wow. Have you seen Tom Selleck in Blue Bloods? If possible, I think he's grown even more handsome.

  5. I see there is a new Magnum PI on tv this season Mary, not sure he can compete with Tom Select though.

  6. Bear meat is the strangest one I've read about so far!! Interesting!! Thank you for joining in on the Medley!!I enjoyed your answers!!

  7. This is always so much fun to read! It's like sitting with you and visiting.

  8. Tom Selleck is still not bad to look at! I like pretty much any kind of game meat better than deer. I just do not like it no matter what you do to it...except for jerky. I do like that. We answered #5 pretty much the same way. :) Have a blessed night!

  9. One day you should tell us about your adventures in the wilderness. That would be so interesting!
    I am not a fan of hunted meats. Always interesting to learn more about my online friends.

  10. I would love to hear more about your time in the Canadian woods too. That sounds exciting. I've had bear meat tasted like roast beef. Maybe a little gamier. I've had Moose was good...just a little dryer than beef.(lean) I always liked Tom Selleck too.


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