Monday, January 25, 2021

Friday Fill-Ins on Monday

 Here it is Monday and I'm joining a Friday Blog Meme, it seems I'm always a day late and a dollar short.

I don't remember how I found these blogs, they look fun to me and I'm happy to be joining in. C'mon with me and join in too!

 15 and Meowing came up with the first two sentences and  Four Legged Furballs
came up with the second two.  

1. ______________ is a mystery I would love to know the answer to.
How did my Bitsy Baby get so spoiled?

2. __________________is the farthest I have ever been from home.
1,663 miles, our home to Upsala, Ontario, Canada.

3. I’ve lost count of how many times _________.
I've made a pot of coffee.

4. _________ reminds me of _________.
The theme song to Gunsmoke reminds me of my Daddy.
Daddy loved Gunsmoke, I think he had every episode on VHS and watched them over and over.
The theme music to Gunsmoke really touches my heart.

Until Next Time



  1. That is a fun exercise! I'm going to try and remember to look for the clues later this week. Me? #1 - Who really killed JFK, #2 - Athens, Greece (physically), Rome, Italy (mentally - ha); #3 - Started a new diet, and #4 - The aroma of Oil of Olay reminds me of my mother. Happy Monday!

  2. Miss Mary, I too seem to be a day late and a dollar short here lately. HA! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  3. I am also a member of the dollar short/day laters. Many TV Themes bring back memories! I think TV was nicer years ago though.

  4. That was fun!! Good answers and didn't we all love Gunsmoke back in the day? Gunsmoke, The Rifleman, and Ponderosa. Good stuff!!


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