Saturday, January 23, 2021

Saturday Sunshine

“Your thoughts and your perception of the world influences all that you do, and all that you are, and all that you can be. If you see the sunshine, feel the sunshine then you feel good. But if your focus is only on the clouds and the dark sky then you may find yourself a bit gloomy.” 
Catherine Pulsifer

Oh, the storm and its fury broke today, 
Crushing hopes that we cherish so dear. 
Clouds and storms will in time pass away. 
The sun again will shine bright and clear. 

Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side, 
Keep on the sunny side of life. 
It will help us every day, it will brighten all the way, 
If we'll keep on the sunny side of life.


 We ate good last night.

Seafood gumbo with rice.

Boudain Balls

Fried Catfish

French Fries

Tossed Salad

Iced Sweet Tea

Sorry I didn't get a picture but I'm sure your imagination will come up with something!

I didn't make it either, the good chef at our local seafood restaurant can take that honor.

Some of you might not know what boudain is....

Boudin is pork sausage made with rice and seasoning usually stuffed into a casing. For boudin balls, you simply remove the casing, roll it into balls, bread them and deep fry them to a perfect crisp. This takes sausage to a whole new level!  

I was born in Houston but raised in South Louisiana where you can find the best Boudin.

Did you notice the two different spellings?  Boudain/Boudin

When in South Louisiana it's Boudin!

Until Next Time


  1. Oh my seafood gumbo! It sounds so wonderful! We love to eat gumbo, have had some wonderful East Texas friends who made it for us. I bet you feasted like kings! I do know what boudin is... so good! Have a blessed Saturday sweet Mary!

  2. Wow, that all sounds so good. I didn't know what boudin or boudain was, but it sure sounds good! Is it spicy? I wonder if there is a recipe somewhere. I may have to check that out. Love your "sunny side" song and the poem...Yes, we can choose to just see the clouds and gloom, or we can look at life from the sunny side and keep smiling no matter what! That is what I am trying to do!! Have a blessed and wonderful day!

  3. Is your Boudin the same as the French, a sort of spicy meat sausage?

    1. I don't know if it's the same as the French, it very well could be. It is spicy, really depends on the maker. I like it to be spicy but not too hot.

  4. Sigh, I miss Boudin and other southern things, smiles. I am wishing you a beautiful day friend. smiles

  5. I remember watching the Robertsons on the duck show, making Boudin. I cannot remember the name of that show but I am sure you know who I am talking about. Many people said our son, Ben, looked like Jep Roberston.

  6. We went to a local restaurant last night for their Friday Fish Fry and we all ate good, but yours sounds much better!! Thanks for explaining about boudin! Sounds yummy!! I can eat seafood seven days a week! Yum! Wishing you a good weekend!

  7. I've never heard of Boudin, but I'm sure to be on the look-out! Yummy!


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