Saturday, June 25, 2022

 My Hearts of Hawaii are doing well with the high temps we're having, 100+ every day this past week.

This plant is about five years old and I never thought I could keep it alive this long!!

We had some errands on Monday and while we were out we drove through Lomax, the neighborhood where Mr D was raised.  It's about as rural as you can find in my part of the world as we are surrounded by refineries and Houston.  Marvin (Mr D's brother), our daughter Tammy, and one of our nephews live there, so our roots are hanging on!

One day we went to El Ranchero, aka The Ranch, for lunch.  We both had their breakfast tacos, which are so good.  I always have the egg and sausage, while Mr D likes eggs and bacon....and they always have the best home made pralines waitng for you at the register!..we just can't resist.   El Ranchero is located on main street in the heart of downtown La Porte.  Our downtown consist of one street 8 blocks long.

Marvin was over Thursday night and we enjoyed chicken sandwiches and coffee.  I then excused myself to the bedroom while they watched Fox news and discussed happenings around the world and our nation.   I'm happy in the other room watching HGTV or FOOD Network.

We also made it to Waffle House one day to enjoy one of their pecan waffles  Yummy!!

We had a great visit with Peggy, Hank and Hazel.  You can imagine my delight when she said 'Granny' for the first time 💗 be still my heart.  After struggling to get on my old piano bench, she looked at me and patted the space beside her, she wanted me to join her, so sweet.  My youngest daughter Peggy, aka Mimi, keeps Hazel while her parents are at work.  I'm happy she doesn't have to go to a daycare.

Going back in time, this is me holding Hazel's daddy.  My, My, how time flies!

I spent a lot of time at the puzzle board this past week.
The name of this puzzle is 'Surf Shack,' it was fun to work because of so much activity and bright colors.  It's one of several that I put together this past week.

Under Next Time


  1. Whta a pretty 'little lady' Hazel's becoming! Love her monogrammed blouse. I've not thought about those pralines in years and years. Yes, they'd sell them at Pogo Peso at check-out; melt in your mouth!

    1. Thank you, you can't see them but her 'bloomers' were red and white checks. Thanks for visiting today, hope you're having a great weekend.

  2. That looks like a hard puzzle!! How fun to get it finished!! Hazel is adorable!! So is her Granny! Your tropical plant is beautiful, Mary! Have a blessed Sunday! xo

  3. I love seeing that picture of you many years ago holding Hazels Dad. Hazel sounds like such a sweetheart, patting the bench so you'd sit beside her. Too cute.
    Homemade pralines? Oh Mercy!!


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