Harps Upon The Willows
On the willow trees in the midst of Babylon we hang our harps.
Psalm 137:2
When the kingdom of Judah was taken captive and carried away to Babylon, there were among them many musicians who sought solace through their gifts, praising God there. The Babylonians heard their sweet songs and bid the musicians entertain them. But rather that offer sacred songs to men, they hung their harps upon the willows, considering it far better to put their instruments aside than to profane them in the service of idols. The willow branches seemed to weep, drooping under the weight of the harps, much as the hearts of these faithful worshippers. They could have dashed their harps to pieces, but instead they preserved their instruments, because God told them through the prophet Jeremiah precisely when their time of captivity would end (Jeremiah 29:10).
Faith Check
What should you do when faced with a choice like that? Whether you find yourself facing persecutions, trials, or temptations, you may have to make a similar commitment to honor God by laying your harp upon the willows.
Today's Quote
Knowing we will be with Christ forever far outweighs our burdens today!
Keep your eyes on eternity.
Billy Graham.

Mr D and I hit the floor running this morning. We had to go to Clear Lake for Mr D's chemical stress test. Bless his heart, he couldn't even have a cup of coffee before we left. We left a little early and it's a good thing we did, we forgot the paperwork and had to turn around, go back home to get it. Fortunately, we arrived on time {{sigh}}. We had a short wait before they called him in, the tech told me it would take about 25 minutes. I settled in with my crossword puzzle book and tried to stay busy so it would be a very fast wait. Well, 25 minutes came, and I put my book and pen up and was ready to leave, and I waited, and waited.... soon it was 40 minutes. I admit, I was getting a little anxious and I thought to myself, 5 more minutes and I'm going to get the receptionist to go back and see what's going on back there! Happily, out he came, and all was well. I think the issue was his pacemaker, I believe they make changes or allowances for them. Anyway, he's good, now we wait for a week to go back for his results.
On the way home we sidetracked into Pasadena and ate a very late breakfast at Ihop.
We got home midafternoon, both of us a little tired and ready to settle down for the rest of the day.
And Life Goes On!
Until Next Time
So pleased that all was well, but I imagine you were a bit anxious at the time.
ReplyDeleteWhat an interesting story about the willow tree. They are one of my favorite trees! I love the little details like this in the Bible. That's why we get something new every time we read it. Certain things come alive each time.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the story of the harps in the willow trees. It's been awhile since I read those verses and it's good to be reminded.
ReplyDeleteI've had a few of those chemical stress tests and you never know exactly how much time they will take. When I have mine, a representative from the pacemaker manufacturer has to come and shut it off. Then they have to stay the entire time "just in case," and turn it back on after the test. The same thing happens for an MRI. It's another whole procedure that just makes it take awhile. I'm certainly grateful for the technology that makes it all possible though. :-)
Glad all went well. Always nice to get back home after a long day. :)
ReplyDeleteLike the quote!!
When Tom had his echo performed a couple of years ago -- in the midst of the pandemic -- I had to wait outside UAB in the parking garage. And when the time grew long ... much longer than what we were told, I was sure anxious. Finally I was able to get through to a sweet lady who assured me he was doing okay. Then, when I apologized for pushing the panic button she said no worries, (that) I'm not the only one. Glad y'all got a good breakfast afterwards. Food always makes me feel better.
ReplyDeleteGreat news that Mr. D had his stress test and all went well. I'm sure I would have been wondering too when the test took much longer than you'd been told. I imagine that cup of coffee, when he finally could have one, tasted wonderful. Granny M
ReplyDeleteSo glad all went well even with the detour and delays. God is always with us no matter what, and I am thankful for you that He was right there with you in the waiting room and all was well. Praise God. Oh, your Ihop breakfast sounds good. I haven't been to one of those places in years and years. It's nice to have a little treat to reward you both for getting up early and not getting to eat until so late. I totally understand. I love the story about the willows and harps, and I guess I never really paid close enough attention to that story before, but thank you for explaining it better and making it stand out to me. I will never just read over it again without thinking about the deeper meaning. God bless you dear friend.
ReplyDeleteI hope the outcome is a healthy and happy one. IHop is great. I really enjoy their pancakes. When I was a teen and going to technical school for a bit, my friends and I would stop there for breakfast some mornings. They had corn pancakes that were so delicious! I enjoyed the harp story very much. There is a song about the Waters of Babylon that I really like. God's people can survive a lot of trials if we stay close.
ReplyDeleteYes we can Annie, He wants us to have fellowship and help each other.