Thursday, September 7, 2023

Thursday Tidbits

A few Tidbits for Thursday!

Last grocery day Mr D got a ham, and we ate off of it for several days.  Good thing we like ham.  First day of left overs, chopped ham in pinto beans, so good.  Last day of left overs, a big ham sandwich with all the trimmings!

A side of cole slaw and a tall glass of cold milk, served on my everyday china☺.  

Good 'til the last bite.

New puzzles were delivered . . . 
Two new Wysocki puzzles will give me a few entertaining afternoons.  Have I mentioned before how much I love Wysocki puzzles?  I know I have♥

We had some rain yesterday!!!!!   It was wonderful, but it wasn't enough.   I just hope it's the beginning of this drought being over.  Today is a mix of dark clouds, like rain clouds, and then a burst of sunshine.  So maybe we'll see a shower or two.  One can hope.

A great memory, the girls and I enjoying lunch at the local tea room.  I really don't remember what year this was, I'm guessing around 2013 - maybe.
Peggy, Tammy, Me, Tracey

Please excuse the haziness, it's a picture of a picture.

I am so excited . . . Dr. David Jeremiah has a new study coming out in October.
It's well known how much I enjoy prophecy.  I have preordered this study and I'm anxiously waiting for October 3rd, the day it will be released.  I ordered the set, so I'll be receiving the study book and DVD as well.  Dr. Jeremiah is a wonderful teacher, and it will be nice adding this study to my collection.

I opened my Bible to find a closing scripture.  It opened to 
I Kings and this scripture was highlighted...

May the Lord our God be with us, as He was with our fathers.  May He not leave us nor forsake us.

I Kings 8:57

Blessings to All
Until Next Time


  1. Hi Mary :) I love a good Bible Study! Bruce Wilkinson was always a favorite. He wrote the Prayer of Jabez. I like listening to Dr. Jeremiah on the radio when I can catch him. And it looks like we will get some heavy rain on Friday night. Hopefully you will too!

    1. We've had rain a couple of times this past week, it was great. We just need more!

  2. That ham sandwich looks delicious. I love a good ham and Wysocki puzzles. It's about that time of year to get out some puzzles to work. Hope you enjoy your Bible Study. Our's starts Tuesday night.

    1. Most Bible Studies are at night these days, I guess because so many women work outside the home. I don't drive at night anymore so it's hard for me to attend. {{sigh}} Hope you have a great study.

  3. That sandwich looks SO good! I'm not familiar with Dr. Jeremiah, but will look in my Audible catalogue to see if he has a podcast.
    Have you seen those mystery jigsaws? On the recommendation of another blogger I ordered one for son and DIL's Christmas. Supposedly, one begins by reading the 9-page mystery, then assembles the 1000 pieces discovering hidden clues. I love this disclaimer: "Beware! The puzzle is different from the box cover."
    Hmmm.... I may have to order one for myself. (lol)

    1. I have seen those puzzles! I'm afraid to order one because I don't know if I'm up for the challenge. lol

  4. Ham sure sounds good now!! I usually do ham for Christmas but had a turkey to use last year, since I had covid over Thanksgiving. I am adding it to my grocery list!! Let us know how you like the study!

  5. I bought a ham just this morning. Just a smallish one. I'm a vegetarian but I make sure DH has his meat. Gotta keep him healthy. *smile* I'm happy to have the meat part of the meals for the rest of the week and more all taken care of. GM

  6. We enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles too. We start with the first snow fall and always have one going on the table most of the winter.
    We started an in depth study of Joseph son of Jacob at the Wednesday night church service!! One of my favorite Bible men.

  7. Hi Mary, I enjoyed my visit here today! I like to eat ham, but hubby can't eat pork. I like your everyday China! That is a nice picture of you and your daughters! I will have to check out that book from David Jeremiah. I like Bible prophesy too. The Left Behind series is one of my favorites. I just finished Israel My Beloved by Kay Arthur. It tells the history of Israel in a love story. It was great to read while our church was doing a Bible study on the book of Daniel. Enjoy your weekend!

  8. I also love prophecy. Love the photos of you and your daughters! Pretty girls!!
    Happy weekend!

  9. Catching up on your blog! I love this post! That sandwich looks so yummy!!

  10. Just can't beat a good ham sandwich Miss Mary. I baked a ham Sunday so leftovers here it is. Happy Week. Hugs and blessings, Cindy


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