Tuesday, April 30, 2024

  Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4, hosted by Annie!

Let's talk about you personally.

1. Do you pamper yourself at all? If yes, how do you do that?

I do pamper myself, I love my private time . . . a good shower with good smelling soap, then a good body rub with a moisturizer.  I enjoy picking a pretty color for my toenails and for my fingernails I always choose a clear or very pastel color.  Clean hair . . . and sometimes I spray a little pink color on a tress or two.  Yep, I do that♥  A splash of body spray, we have to smell good ya know.  Right now I'm using Japanese Cherry Blossoms from Bath and Body Works.

A great spa day treat!

2.What kinds of foods/dishes do you consider to be a real treat? Do you often pamper yourself by having them?

Yes, I do that too!  Mr D and I love seafood and it's not unusual that you will find us at Baytown Seafood.  It's a local restaurant so we don't have to drive too far.  Living on the coast there are many seafood restaurants to choose from, bigger and fancier than where we go, with that said, we love our little home town seaford place.  We also love Tex-Mex and visit our local Mexican restaurants often.


3. What  luxury item/items do you consider would be very hard to do without? (like buying books, having your hair done.. just about anything you really could do without but prefer not to.)

In today's world I would be lost without my laptop.  I know there are a lot of bad things on the internet, I just don't go there.  I do a lot of Bible studies and watch a lot of great messages on my laptop.  I also enjoy social media because it's a great way to enjoy friends and family.  And of course, blogging!

All I can say is use it for the good and ignore the bad.

4. What kind of holiday or vacation would be a total luxury with which you might pamper yourself?

I would absolutely love to have an extended vacation to England, Scotland and Ireland.  I've wanted to do that my entire adult life.  I would also like to go to Israel and walk the land where Jesus walked, that must be a humble feeling.  My older brother and I were talking about going and I think we would have, but he developed cancer and passed before we could make that happen.

A big THANK YOU  to Annie for hosting!!

Until Next Time



  1. Hi Mary! I agree with you 100% on #3. Use the good and avoid the bad!

  2. Seafood is big here on the Atlantic coast too I love that you put some pink in your hair!! I've not tried the Japanese Cherry Blossom. I've been using Into the Stars and Sweater Weather which my youngest grand daughter bought me. I can't be without my perfume!!

  3. I've got that same cup (shown in your 'spa' image) .. a birthday gift from my BFF. Some of the best Mexican and BBQ food we've enjoyed came from little hole-in-the-wall places -- not the Big Chain restaurants.
    I hope you'll take that trip someday!

  4. I enjoyed all your answers, my sweet Friend. It made my heart happy to see a comment on my post. Hope you're doing so much better from the hip injury and getting stronger every day.

  5. Always nice to read your answers 💗💗💗

  6. I loved your answers today! Always fun! It is sad that Israel is not a safe place to go now. I wonder if or when it will ever be safe for travel. Sending a hug!!

  7. Hi Mary, I loved all your answers. Yes, it is easy to look at all the bad with social media and technology. I try to go past it or not think about it. I wish you could have gone to Israel with your brother. I have always wanted to go to there too. Thank you for sharing and thanks for visiting me too. Have a blessed weekend.

  8. Loved your answers. I agree with your thoughts on the internet...yes, it can be negative, but there is also so much good and connection at our fingertips.


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